Task #759
Manual de Usuario en Redmine
Hacer un manual de usuario para funciones como:
* Búsqueda de Items o Fungibles
* Creación de Solicitudes u órdenes de compra
* Actualización de stocks
* etc
Updated by Fiorella Quino over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Updated by Fiorella Quino over 8 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 30
Updated by Fiorella Quino almost 8 years ago
- Due date changed from 09/14/2016 to 05/31/2017
- % Done changed from 30 to 80
Updated by Juan Carlos Espinoza over 1 year ago
- Due date changed from 05/31/2017 to 09/30/2023
- Assignee changed from Fiorella Quino to Juan Carlos Espinoza
- Target version set to Version 2.0
- Start date changed from 09/07/2016 to 08/01/2023
- % Done changed from 80 to 40