Task #1133
Milestone #139: Radar UHF en Huancayo
Task #1134: Segundo viaje
Cambiar tarjeta de DDS (Up Converter)
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Updated by Joaquín Verástegui over 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 10/13/2017 to 10/20/2017
- Start date changed from 10/09/2017 to 10/16/2017
Updated by Fiorella Quino over 7 years ago
- Parent task changed from #1132 to #1134
Updated by Fiorella Quino about 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 10/20/2017 to 03/30/2018
- Start date changed from 10/16/2017 to 01/29/2018