IDI Suministros Electrónicos [177]

  • Dolares USA - $
  • Totals

    Currency Quantity Transactions
    Current Balance USD 4402.36 23
    Total Income USD 9000.00 1
    Total Expenses USD 4597.64 22

    Buget Transactions

    (361 - 374 of 374)
    Name Type Currency Amount Date Note
    Expense: PEN 117.00 expense PEN 117.00 13/10/16 Item: #6855 - Arduino CC3000 Wifi shield (paruro), Qty: 1, Unit Price: PEN 117.0000 |
    Expense: PEN 4.00 expense PEN 4.00 13/10/16 Item: #682 - Circuito Integrado 7805 regulador T0-220, Qty: 4, Unit Price: PEN 1.0000 |
    Expense: PEN 2.00 expense PEN 2.00 13/10/16 Item: #792 - Circuito Integrado LM-358, Qty: 4, Unit Price: PEN 0.5000 |
    Expense: PEN 24.80 expense PEN 24.80 06/10/16 Item: #1124 - Pasta para soldar 50gr. Loft, Qty: 4, Unit Price: PEN 6.2000 |
    Expense: PEN 8.00 expense PEN 8.00 03/10/16 Item: #6857 - Broca #34 tipo 240-A, Qty: 4, Unit Price: PEN 2.0000 |
    Expense: USD 32.93 expense USD 32.93 29/05/16 Item: #6662 - Adafruit Si5351A Clock Generator Breakout Board, Qty: 3, Unit Price: USD 10.9760 |
    Expense: USD 38.39 expense USD 38.39 29/05/16 Item: #6578 - Switching Power Supply USB-Connector 5V-2A, Qty: 4, Unit Price: USD 9.5970 |
    Expense: USD 61.59 expense USD 61.59 29/05/16 Item: #6710 - Panel Mount Ethernet Extension Cable, Qty: 10, Unit Price: USD 6.1590 |
    Expense: USD 22.10 expense USD 22.10 29/05/16 Item: #6712 - 8-channel Bi-directional Logic Level Converter - TXB0108, Qty: 2, Unit Price: USD 11.0500 |
    Expense: USD 8.16 expense USD 8.16 29/05/16 Item: #6713 - USB cable - 6" A/MicroB, Qty: 2, Unit Price: USD 4.0800 |
    Expense: USD 17.96 expense USD 17.96 29/05/16 Item: #6716 - USB to 2.1mm DC Booster Cable - 12V, Qty: 2, Unit Price: USD 8.9800 |
    Expense: USD 17.96 expense USD 17.96 29/05/16 Item: #6718 - USB to 2.1mm DC Booster Cable - 9V, Qty: 2, Unit Price: USD 8.9800 |
    Expense: USD 20.35 expense USD 20.35 29/05/16 Item: #6719 - USB cable - A/MicroB - 1 metro, Qty: 5, Unit Price: USD 4.0700 |
    Expense: USD 27.25 expense USD 27.25 29/05/16 Item: #6711 - 4-channel I2C-safe Bi-directional Logic Level Converter - BSS138, Qty: 5, Unit Price: USD 5.4500 |