#9537 - 12 Volt 1A Power Adapter Supply AC to DC

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  • Dolares USA - $
  • Inventory Count

    Name Quantity Transactions


    Name Average Price Total Qty Total Cost
    PEN 15.00 1.00 15.000000


    Name Inventory Type Quantity State Requester
    Inventario Ciencia Internacional: '#9537 - 12 Volt 1A Power Adapter Supply AC to DC' qty=1.00… Inventario Ciencia Internacional OUT 1.00 COMPLETED Rojas Paredes, John Kerim |
    Inventario Ciencia Internacional: '#9537 - 12 Volt 1A Power Adapter Supply AC to DC' qty=1.00… Inventario Ciencia Internacional IN 1.00 COMPLETED Rojas Paredes, John Kerim |