Opened 8 years ago

#103 new General

06 Oct 17:00 Configuration BLTR Huancayo - GPS

Reported by: ryanque Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 2016
Component: Others Version:
Keywords: Cc: ivan.many@…
Parent Tickets:



  1. login to the radar PC
  1. backup the old ros/acquisition/rdas.tcl

cd ud3/libexec/acquisition/
sudo mv rdas.tcl rdas.tcl.pre20161006

  1. update to the latest ros/acquisition/rdas.tcl

I am not sure how you will get the file on the radar PC, but can you please take the file rdas.tcl which is attached to this email, and place it in ~radar/ud3/libexec/acquisition/

  1. "profiler start"

Please start the radar. After a couple of successful acquisitions please send me the file ~radar/ud3/log recorder.log so we can check if the change is working properly.

We expect to see messages in the recorder.log file that look like:

Warning: The RTC GPS module has wrapped modulo 1024 weeks
Warning: RTC timestamp is XXX seconds, the PC timestamp is XXX seconds

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