

Jan 13, 2015:

8:17 PM Ticket #7 (13 Jan 20:00 Stop of the experiment) created by imanay
Experiment is stopped according to the schedule. It is going to continue …
7:59 PM Ticket #6 (13 Jan 13:30 Spark-gaps adjustment) created by imanay
13 Jan 14:45 Spark-gaps adjustment. 13 Jan 17:50 Spark-gaps adjustment.
7:57 PM Ticket #5 (13 Jan 13:30 Change of DDS) created by imanay
It was found that two channels of the DDS were not coding properly, so it …
7:56 PM Ticket #4 (13 Jan 07:55 Start of the experiment) created by imanay
Reception lines were checked before the start: Level noise of the A …
7:44 PM Ticket #3 (12 Jan 17:59 Antenna results) created by imanay
VSWR of the antenna quarters: WUP : 1.05 WDW : 1.08 NDW : 1.06 NUP : 1.03 …
7:36 PM Ticket #2 (13 Jan 19:00 Transmitter power measurements) created by rtadeo
13:30 rf pulse coded 13:35 power adjustment PA1 and PA4 13:40 TX Power …

Jan 12, 2015:

10:56 AM Ticket #1 (12 Jan 10:35 Log created) created by ryanque
The log has been created for the VIPIR + Topside Experiment 13-15 Jan …

Jan 5, 2015:

1:33 PM WikiStart edited by soporte

Dec 31, 2014:

11:08 AM TracGuide created by trac
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11:08 AM WikiProcessors created by trac
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