Opened 10 years ago

#413 new Transmitters

21 Jul 10:00 Low power at PA2 and PA4

Reported by: ryaya Owned by: Rommel
Priority: normal Milestone: 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
Component: ISR+Imaging Version: Others
Keywords: Cc: marco.milla@…, ramiro.yanque@…, ivan.manay@…


PA2 and PA4 have been selected for transmitting the Faraday pulses. They both present a low power output compared to the last EWD-FARADAY experiment, the difference is close to 1dB. The normal output power is 2.4 dBm at the output sample for PA 4 and 2.2 dBm/5.8 dBm (Combined pulses) for PA2; now we have 1.2dBm for PA4 and 1.4dBm/3.6 dBm for PA2. We could not solve this problem tunning both units, they are saturated, but this is not the case with PA1 (EW Drift pulses), this transmitter shows normal power output (6.0 dBm for the last experiment and 6.6 dBm for this experiment). The only difference is that PA1 is using E-W antennas with traditional cables and PA4 and PA2 are using the N-S antennas with the new ABS system.

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