{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1815 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (801 - 900 of 1815)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle (47 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#972 15 Mar 00:05 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Mar 15, 2016
#973 15 Mar 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Mar 15, 2016
#976 14 Mar 23:59 FIgures ISR+Imaging new Process/Analysis Program normal AVALDEZ Mar 15, 2016
#977 15 Mar 07:50 SPARK GAPS ADJUSTMENT ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal AVALDEZ Mar 15, 2016
#979 15 Mar 07:59 OPERATION RESUME ISR+Imaging new General normal AVALDEZ Mar 15, 2016
#980 15 Mar 11:42 Transmitter Failure ISR new Transmitters normal Mar 15, 2016
#981 15 Mar 12:58 Lower Power ISR new Transmitters normal Mar 15, 2016
#982 15 Mar 14:28 Acquisition stopped ISR new Acquisition system normal Mar 15, 2016
#983 15 Mar 16:19 Acquisition stopped ISR new Acquisition system normal Mar 15, 2016
#984 15 Mar 19:30 Transmitter power measurement ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Mar 15, 2016
#985 15 Mar 17:36 Imaging on ISR new General normal Mar 15, 2016
#986 15 Mar 17:52 Experiment stopped ISR new Break Experiment normal Mar 15, 2016
#987 15 Mar 17:35 Spark Gap Adjustments ISR new Spark Gaps normal Mar 15, 2016
#988 15 Mar 19:00 Noise Levels ISR new General normal Mar 15, 2016
#989 15 Mar 19:25 Spread F Starts ISR new Physical Phenomena normal Mar 15, 2016
#990 15 Mar 19:55 Operation Resume ISR new General normal Mar 15, 2016
#991 16 Mar 00:10 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#992 15 Mar 20:50 Problem with transmitter ISR new Transmitters normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#993 15 Mar 21:04 Transmitter is On ISR new Transmitters normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#994 16 Mar 06:32 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Coronado Mar 16, 2016
#995 16 Mar 01:36 Imaging off ISR new Acquisition system normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#996 16 Mar 07:00 Transmitter power measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Mar 16, 2016
#997 16 Mar 06:08 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#998 16 Mar 07:55 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#999 16 Mar 08:00 Operation resume ISR new General normal P.Condor Mar 16, 2016
#1001 16 Mar 17:35 Imaging Starts ISR new Acquisition system normal fmontenegro Mar 16, 2016
#1002 16 Mar 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Mar 16, 2016
#1003 16 Mar 19:32 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal fmontenegro Mar 16, 2016
#1004 16 Mar 19:36 Noise levels ISR+Imaging new General normal fmontenegro Mar 16, 2016
#1005 16 Mar 19:38 Figures ISR+Imaging new Process/Analysis Program normal fmontenegro Mar 16, 2016
#1006 16 Mar 19:52 Operation Resume ISR new General normal fmontenegro Mar 16, 2016
#1007 16 Mar 23:59 Plots ISR+Imaging assigned Plot normal abelleza Mar 17, 2016
#1008 17 Mar 01:47 upto 02:05 Spark Gaps Change ISR new Spark Gaps normal abelleza Mar 17, 2016
#1009 17 Mar 07:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Mar 17, 2016
#1010 16 Mar 07:48 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal abelleza Mar 17, 2016
#1011 17 Mar 19:10 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Mar 17, 2016
#1012 17 Mar 19:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal Mar 17, 2016
#1013 17 Mar 07:50 SPARK GAPS ADJUSTMENT ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Mar 17, 2016
#1014 17 Mar 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Mar 17, 2016
#1015 17 Mar 23:59 FIGURES ISR+Imaging new Plot normal Mar 18, 2016
#1016 18 Mar 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Mar 18, 2016
#1017 18 Mar 07:48 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal AValdez Mar 18, 2016
#1018 18 Mar 07:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal AValdez Mar 18, 2016
#1019 18 Mar 17:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Mar 18, 2016
#978 15 Mar 07:50 SPARK GAPS ADJUSTMENT ISR+Imaging closed invalid Spark Gaps normal AVALDEZ Mar 15, 2016
#975 23:59 14 Mar 2016 FIgures ISR+Imaging closed invalid Process/Analysis Program normal AVALDEZ Mar 15, 2016
#974 23:59 14 Mar 2016 FIgures ISR+Imaging closed invalid Process/Analysis Program normal AVALDEZ Mar 15, 2016

2016_02_2 Tests Dave Hysell (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#959 15 Feb 10:00 Test starts ISR new Start experiment normal Feb 16, 2016
#960 15 Feb 12:00 Antenna VSWR ISR new Antennas normal Feb 16, 2016
#961 16 Feb 10:30 Antenna VSWR ISR new Antennas normal Feb 16, 2016

2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves (50 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#894 04 Feb 10:50 Log Created ISR new Start experiment normal Feb 4, 2016
#895 04 Feb 17:40 Antenna VSWR ISR new Antennas normal Feb 4, 2016
#896 05 Feb 07.36 Start Experiment ISR new Start experiment normal Feb 6, 2016
#897 05 Feb 18:00 Imaging experiment ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal Feb 10, 2016
#898 05 Feb 18:43 Noise Levels ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging new General normal Feb 10, 2016
#899 05 Feb 19:40 VIPER (Ionosonde) and Digisonde (and synchronization) ISR+Imaging new Other Instruments normal Feb 10, 2016
#900 05 Feb 19:30 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 5, 2016
#901 05 Feb 2016 - Spark Gaps summary ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Feb 5, 2016
#902 05 Feb 23:05 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Feb 5, 2016
#903 06 Feb 00:45 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Feb 6, 2016
#904 06 Feb 05:12 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Feb 6, 2016
#905 06 Feb 03:00 Imaging off ISR new Acquisition system normal P.Condor Feb 6, 2016
#906 06 Feb 06:25 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Huamani Feb 6, 2016
#907 06 Feb 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Feb 6, 2016
#908 06 Feb 07:50 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Feb 6, 2016
#909 06 Feb 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal P.Condor Feb 6, 2016
#910 06 Feb 11:40 Interchang pre-amplifier ISR new Reception normal Feb 6, 2016
#911 06 Feb 17:40 Imaging Starts ISR new Reception normal Feb 6, 2016
#912 06 Feb 14:40 Noise Measurements ISR new Reception normal Feb 6, 2016
#913 06 Feb 18:30 Spark Gap Adjustment ISR new Antennas normal Feb 6, 2016
#914 06 Feb 19:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Feb 6, 2016
#915 06 Feb 19:55 Operation Resume ISR new General normal Feb 6, 2016
#916 06 Feb 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Feb 6, 2016
#917 07 Feb 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Feb 7, 2016
#918 06 Feb 23:59 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal AVALDEZ Feb 7, 2016
#919 07 Feb 07:20 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal AVALDEZ Feb 7, 2016
#920 07 Feb 07:55 Operation Resume ISR new General normal AVALDEZ Feb 7, 2016
#921 07 Feb 08:03 Restart EW_Drifts ISR new Acquisition system normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#922 07 Feb 12:03 Tx Off ISR new Transmitters normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#923 07 Feb 12:15 Tx On ISR new Transmitters normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#924 07 Feb 17:45 Imaging is on ISR new Acquisition system normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#925 07 Feb 19:15 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Feb 7, 2016
#926 07 Feb 18:30 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#927 07 Feb 19:05 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal J. Lavado Feb 7, 2016
#928 07 Feb 19:50 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#929 07 Feb 20:00 Operation resume ISR new General normal P.Condor Feb 7, 2016
#930 07 Feb 23:59 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal I. Manay Feb 8, 2016
#931 08 Feb 07:10 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 8, 2016
#932 08 Feb 07:10 Imaging experiment was stopped ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Feb 8, 2016
#933 08 Feb 07:40 Spark-gaps summary ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal W. Rojas Feb 8, 2016
#934 08 Feb 07:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Feb 8, 2016
#935 08 Feb 10:50 Transmitter On ISR new Transmitters normal fmontenegro Feb 8, 2016
#936 08 Feb 11:09 Figures ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal fmontenegro Feb 8, 2016
#937 08 Feb 19:10 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new JRO Staff Transmitters normal Feb 8, 2016
#938 08 Feb 19:55 Noise levels ISR+Imaging new General normal fmontenegro Feb 8, 2016
#939 08 Feb 19:55 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal fmontenegro Feb 8, 2016
#940 08 Feb 20:02 Figures ISR+Imaging new Plot normal fmontenegro Feb 10, 2016
#941 08 Feb 08:05 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal fmontenegro Feb 8, 2016
#942 08 Feb 23:59 Figures ISR+Imaging new Plot normal dlume Feb 10, 2016
#943 09 Feb 07:11 Spark gaps summary ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal dlume Feb 9, 2016
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.