{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1815 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1701 - 1800 of 1815)

2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) (78 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#34 10 Feb 17:40 Interference was observed ISR new Plot normal I. Manay Feb 10, 2015
#35 10 Feb 17:45 Transmitters fall ISR new Transmitters normal I. Manay Feb 10, 2015
#36 10 Feb 18:00 Imaging experiment is started ISR new Acquisition system normal I. Manay Feb 10, 2015
#37 10 Feb 18:08 PC Ares is restarted ISR new Reception normal I. Manay Feb 10, 2015
#38 10 Feb 19:30 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Feb 10, 2015
#39 10 Feb 19:59 Operation resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Feb 10, 2015
#40 10 Feb 23:10 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 10, 2015
#41 11 Feb 06:15 Spark gap summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal AVALDEZ Feb 11, 2015
#42 11 Feb 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 11, 2015
#43 11 Feb 07:00 Figures of Experiment ISR new Plot normal Feb 11, 2015
#44 11 Feb 06:15 Problems with channel E ISR new Reception normal AVALDEZ Feb 11, 2015
#45 11 Feb 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal AVALDEZ Feb 11, 2015
#46 11 Feb 08:37 Channel E issues ISR assigned Transmitters normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#47 11 Feb 09:55 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#48 11 Feb 19:25 Transmitter power measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 11, 2015
#49 11 Feb 11:11 Lost of data ISR new Acquisition system normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#50 11 Feb 12:20 Sun appears in data ISR new Physical Phenomena normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#51 11 Feb 14:14 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#52 11 Feb 17:40 Imaging Experiment was started ISR new Start experiment normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#53 11 Feb 18:05 Spark Gaps Adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#54 11 Feb 18:49 Transmitters go down ISR new Transmitters normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#55 11 Feb 19:52 Operation Resume ISR new General normal A. Aguilar Feb 11, 2015
#56 11 Feb 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 11, 2015
#57 11 Feb 20:31 Problem with PC ARES ISR new Acquisition system normal Feb 12, 2015
#58 11 Feb 20:32 Faraday Desincronization ISR new Acquisition system normal Feb 12, 2015
#59 11 Feb 20:32 Restart EW_Drift ISR new Acquisition system normal Feb 12, 2015
#60 11 Feb 20:40 Restart Faraday ISR new Acquisition system normal Feb 12, 2015
#61 11 Feb 23:00 Plots of rti and spectra ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal Feb 12, 2015
#62 12 Feb 01:40 OFF Imaging ISR new Acquisition system normal Feb 12, 2015
#63 12 Feb 03:30 Tx Off ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 12, 2015
#64 12 Feb 06:20 Moon Pass ISR new General normal Feb 12, 2015
#65 12 Feb 06:15 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Feb 12, 2015
#66 12 Feb 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 12, 2015
#67 12 Feb 07:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal Feb 12, 2015
#68 12 Feb 19:55 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 12, 2015
#69 12 Feb 22:20 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Feb 13, 2015
#70 13 Feb 00:02 Plots of rti and spectra ISR+Imaging new Plot normal Feb 13, 2015
#71 13 Feb 07:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Feb 13, 2015
#72 13 Feb 00:30 Imaging system shut down, EW drift RF signal reconnected ISR+Imaging new Acquisition system normal Feb 13, 2015
#73 13 Feb 00:35 Internet conection intermitent, uploaded plots aren´t great or take too much time to upload ISR+Imaging new Plot normal Feb 13, 2015
#74 13 Feb 02:10 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Feb 13, 2015
#75 13 Feb 06:20 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Feb 13, 2015
#76 13 Feb 12:15 Interference was observed ISR+Imaging new Plot normal Feb 13, 2015
#77 13 Feb 17:45 Imaging experiment was started ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal Feb 13, 2015
#78 13 Feb 18:01 Spark Gaps Adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Feb 13, 2015
#79 13 Feb 19:20 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 13, 2015
#80 13 Feb 19:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal Feb 13, 2015
#81 13 Feb 23:59 Experiment plots ISR new Plot normal I. Manay Feb 14, 2015
#82 14 Feb 01:30 Imaging experiment is finished ISR new Acquisition system normal I. Manay Feb 14, 2015
#83 14 Feb 03:30 Transmitters fall ISR new Transmitters normal I. Manay Feb 14, 2015
#84 14 Feb 06:30 Spark gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal J. Lavado Feb 14, 2015
#85 14 Feb 07:59 Operation resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Feb 14, 2015
#86 14 Feb 19:10 Spark gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal AVALDEZ Feb 14, 2015
#87 14 Feb 11:50 Attenuation Channel E ISR new Acquisition system normal AVALDEZ Feb 14, 2015
#88 14 Feb 19:25 Transmitter power measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 14, 2015
#89 14 Feb 22:40 Restart Adquisition ISR new Acquisition system normal P.Condor Feb 15, 2015
#91 15 Feb 07:05 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 15, 2015
#92 14 Feb 19:45 Restart Digisonde ISR new Other Instruments normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#93 14 Feb 19:50 Faraday Desynchronization ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#94 14 Feb 20:10 Problem with Faraday and EW_Drifts ISR new General normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#95 14 Feb 20:43 Problem with Transmitter ISR new Transmitters normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#96 14 Feb 22:00 The problem was the pulse of EW_Drifts ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#97 14 Feb 22:40 Restart Acquisition ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#98 14 Feb 23:59 Plots of rti, noise and others ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#99 15 Feb 02:07 Imaging OFF ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#100 14 Feb 23:58 Plot Imaging ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal Feb 15, 2015
#101 15 Feb 06:28 Problem with Tx ISR new Transmitters normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#102 15 Feb 06:40 Faraday Desynchronization ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#103 15 Feb 06:25 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Belleza Feb 15, 2015
#104 15 Feb Operation Resume ISR new General normal P. Condor Feb 15, 2015
#105 15 Feb 10:40 Spark Gaps Adjusment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Feb 15, 2015
#106 15 Feb 12:10 Hydra ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal Feb 15, 2015
#107 15 Feb 14:50 Spark Gaps Adjusment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Feb 15, 2015
#108 15 Feb 15:20 Change TR of channel A ISR new Start experiment normal Feb 15, 2015
#109 15 Feb Operation Resume ISR new Start experiment normal Feb 15, 2015
#110 15 Feb 19:00 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Feb 15, 2015
#113 18 Feb 15:00 Data uploaded to PUMA ISR new General normal I. Manay Feb 18, 2015
#112 16 Feb 17:00 Operation Resumen ISR new Start experiment normal Feb 16, 2015

2015_01 VIPIR + Topside (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1 12 Jan 10:35 Log created ISR new Start experiment normal ryanque Jan 12, 2015
#2 13 Jan 19:00 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 13, 2015
#3 12 Jan 17:59 Antenna results ISR new Antennas normal W. Rojas Jan 14, 2015
#13 14 Jan 16:02 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Jan 14, 2015
#4 13 Jan 07:55 Start of the experiment ISR new Start experiment normal I. Manay Jan 13, 2015
#6 13 Jan 13:30 Spark-gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal W. Rojas Jan 13, 2015
#7 13 Jan 20:00 Stop of the experiment ISR new Break Experiment normal I. Manay Jan 13, 2015
#8 14 Jan 06:54 Start of the experiment ISR new Start experiment normal Jan 14, 2015
#9 14 Jan 07:19 Transmitter falls ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 14, 2015
#10 14 Jan 09:02 Experiment Configuration change ISR new Acquisition system normal Jan 14, 2015
#11 14 Jan 09:48 Spark Gaps Adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Jan 14, 2015
#12 14 Jan 13:20 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Jan 14, 2015
#14 14 Jan 17:30 Problems with Channel C or D Stop the experiment ISR new General normal Jan 14, 2015
#15 14 Jan 19:15 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal Jan 14, 2015
#16 14 Jan 20:00 Spread F start ISR new Physical Phenomena normal Jan 14, 2015
#17 14 Jan 21:00 Coherence 32 Short Pulse Problem durind the day ISR new Plot normal Jan 14, 2015
#18 14 Jan 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 14, 2015
#19 14 Jan 23:33 End of Experiment 150 km Jicamarca ISR new General normal AValdez Jan 15, 2015
#20 15 Jan 07:22 Re-start of the experiment ISR new Start experiment normal I. Manay Jan 15, 2015
#21 15 Jan 07:33 Adjustment at transmitter ISR new Transmitters normal I. Manay Jan 15, 2015
#22 15 Jan 08:00 Events at A, B, G and H channels ISR new General normal I. Manay Jan 15, 2015
#23 15 Jan 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 15, 2015
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.