{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1815 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1401 - 1500 of 1815)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

2015_07_1 Support CNOFS (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#369 14 Jul 06:55 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal J. Lavado Jul 14, 2015
#370 14 Jul 07:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal P. Condor Jul 30, 2015
#371 14 Jul 19:25 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 14, 2015
#372 14 Jul 19:25 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Coronado Jul 14, 2015
#373 14 Jul 19:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Jul 14, 2015
#374 15 Jul 07:30 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 15, 2015
#375 15 Jul 06:30 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Belleza Jul 15, 2015
#376 15 Jul 00:01 Plots ISR new Plot normal A. Belleza Jul 15, 2015
#377 15 Jul 07:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal A. Belleza Jul 15, 2015
#378 15 Jul 08:29 Transmitters were off ISR assigned Transmitters normal jortiz Jul 15, 2015
#379 15 Jul 19:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal jortiz Jul 15, 2015
#380 15 Jul 19:20 Transmitter power measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 15, 2015
#381 15 Jul 23:05 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 15, 2015
#382 15 Jul 23:59 Plots ISR new Plot normal Jul 16, 2015
#383 16 Jul 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 16, 2015
#384 16 Jul 07:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal Jul 16, 2015
#385 16 Jul 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal Aug 11, 2015
#387 16 Jul 17:28 Spark Gap Adjustment ISR new Antennas normal Jul 16, 2015
#388 16 Jul 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 16, 2015
#389 16 Jul 20:00 Operation Resume ISR new Transmitters normal Aug 11, 2015
#451 30 Jul 17:30 Operativity DP Faraday July ISR new End experiment normal Jul 30, 2015
#390 17 Jul 00:01 Plots of experiment ISR new Others Plot normal avaldez Aug 12, 2015
#391 17 Jul 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 30, 2015
#392 17 Jul 07:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal avaldez Aug 12, 2015
#393 17 Jul 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new Others General normal avaldez Jul 17, 2015
#394 15 Jul 20:00 Operation Resume ISR reopened General normal Aug 11, 2015
#395 17 Jul 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurement ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 17, 2015
#396 17 Jul 19:05 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal W. Rojas Jul 17, 2015
#397 17 Jul 19:30 plots ISR new Plot normal I. Manay Jul 17, 2015
#398 17 Jul 19:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Jul 17, 2015
#445 21 Jul 23:59 Plots ISR new General normal D. Lume Jul 27, 2015
#447 27 Jul 17:50 Data was uploaded to PUMA ISR new End experiment normal Jul 30, 2015
#453 12 Aug 10:00 Final Report ISR new End experiment normal Aug 12, 2015
#386 16 Jul 08:30 Channel B Noise problem ISR new General high Jul 16, 2015

2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ (43 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#324 06 Jul 15:14 Log Created MST-ISR-EEJ ISR new Start experiment normal ryanque Jul 6, 2015
#325 06 Jul 15:47 VSWR Antenna ISR new Antennas normal ryanque Jul 6, 2015
#326 07 Jul 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 7, 2015
#327 07 Jul 11:15 Start of the experiment ISR new Start experiment normal I. Manay Jul 30, 2015
#328 07 Jul 14:55 Transmitters were off ISR new General normal I. Manay Jul 7, 2015
#329 07 Jul 18:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal W. Rojas Jul 7, 2015
#330 07 Jul 19:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Jul 30, 2015
#331 07 Jul 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 7, 2015
#332 07 Jul 23:59 Figures of Experiment ISR new Plot normal Jul 8, 2015
#333 08 Jul 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new Others General normal Aug 17, 2015
#334 08 Jul 07:00 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new JRO Staff Spark Gaps normal Aug 17, 2015
#335 08 Jul 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 8, 2015
#336 08 Jul 08:30 Reset JARS System ISR new Acquisition system normal Aug 17, 2015
#337 08 Jul 08:30 Run Prosessing Program ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal Aug 17, 2015
#338 08 Jul 19:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 8, 2015
#339 08 Jul 13:58 change drive system PC-JARS ISR new Acquisition system normal Jul 30, 2015
#340 08 Jul 20:00 Operation Resume ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal Jul 30, 2015
#341 08 Jul 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 8, 2015
#342 09 Jul 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 9, 2015
#343 08 Jul 23:59 Experiment plots ISR new JRO Staff Plot normal Aug 17, 2015
#344 09 Jul 08:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR new JRO Staff Spark Gaps normal Jul 30, 2015
#345 09 July 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal Jul 30, 2015
#346 09 July 20:00 Operation Resume ISR new Others General normal avaldez Jul 30, 2015
#347 09 July 20:00 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Others Spark Gaps normal avaldez Jul 9, 2015
#348 09 Jul 16:15 Interference disappear ISR new General normal avaldez Aug 17, 2015
#349 09 Jul 19:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 9, 2015
#350 09 Jul 23:59 Experiment plots ISR new Plot normal I. Manay Jul 10, 2015
#351 10 Jul 00:32 Acquisition system was re-started ISR new Acquisition system normal I. Manay Jul 10, 2015
#352 10 Jul 06:34 Acquisition was restarted ISR new Acquisition system normal I. Manay Jul 10, 2015
#353 10 Jul 06:40 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal J. Lavado Jul 10, 2015
#354 10 Jul 07:50 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 10, 2015
#355 10 Jul 07:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Jul 10, 2015
#356 10 Jul 11:00 Start interference ISR new General normal P. Condor Jul 10, 2015
#357 10 Jul 17:30 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Huamani Jul 10, 2015
#358 10 Jul 20:00 Plots ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Jul 10, 2015
#359 10 Jul 20:00 Plots ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Jul 10, 2015
#360 10 Jul 20:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jul 10, 2015
#361 10 Jul 20:03 Operation Resume ISR new General normal P. Condor Jul 10, 2015
#450 30 Jul 17:00 Operativity ISR new End experiment normal Jul 30, 2015
#454 08 Jul 15:30 Transmitter Off ISR new Transmitters normal A. Belleza Aug 17, 2015
#455 09 Jul 11:04 Transmitter off ISR new Transmitters normal A. Valdez Aug 17, 2015
#456 09 Jul 16:58 Transmitter off ISR new Transmitters normal A. Valdez Aug 17, 2015
#457 20 Aug 10:00 Final Report ISR new End experiment normal Aug 20, 2015

2015_06 Valley Experiment (23 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#246 29 May 20:00 Log created ISR new Start experiment normal May 26, 2015
#291 08 Jun 13:00 Antenna VSWR ISR new Antennas normal I. Manay Jun 8, 2015
#293 08 Jun 19:30 Transmitter power measurements and events ISR new Transmitters normal Jun 29, 2015
#294 08 Jun 23:25 Tx is off to check antenna ISR new Antennas normal P. Condor Jun 9, 2015
#295 08 Jun 23:36 Tx is On. ISR new Antennas normal P. Condor Jun 9, 2015
#296 09 Jun 01:21 We change TR of Ch E ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Jun 9, 2015
#304 09 Jun 07:37 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Belleza Jun 9, 2015
#305 09 Jun 07:59 Operation Resume ISR new General normal P. Condor Jun 9, 2015
#306 09 Jun 07:48 Attenuation ch E ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Jun 9, 2015
#307 10 Jun 08:10 Restart Adquisition ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Jun 10, 2015
#308 10 Jun 19:09 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal W. Rojas Jun 10, 2015
#309 10 Jun 19:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jun 10, 2015
#310 10 Jun 20:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal P. Condor Jun 10, 2015
#311 10 Jun 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jun 10, 2015
#312 11 Jun 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jun 11, 2015
#313 11 Jun 00:01 Plots of experiment ISR new Plot normal avaldez Jun 11, 2015
#314 11 Jun 07:09 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal avaldez Jun 11, 2015
#315 11 Jun 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal avaldez Jun 11, 2015
#316 11 Jun 19:26 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Huamani Jun 11, 2015
#317 11 Jun 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jun 11, 2015
#318 11 Jun 19:59 Operation resume ISR new General normal I. Manay Jun 11, 2015
#319 12 Jun 23:05 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jun 11, 2015
#320 12 Jun 06:28 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Belleza Jun 12, 2015
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.