{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1815 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1101 - 1200 of 1815)

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2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#684 05 Jan 23:59 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal Feb 11, 2016
#685 06 Jan 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Jan 6, 2016
#686 06 Jan 07:00 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Feb 11, 2016
#687 06 Jan 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 6, 2016
#688 06 Jan 23:59 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal I. Manay Jan 7, 2016
#689 07 Jan 02:25 Fall of transmitters ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal I. Manay Jan 7, 2016
#690 07 Jan 02:50 Imaging experiment is stopped ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Jan 7, 2016
#691 07 Jan 07:40 Spark-gaps summary ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal W. Rojas Jan 7, 2016
#692 07 Jan 07:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Jul 14, 2016
#693 07 Jan 07:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Jan 7, 2016
#694 07 Jan 08:00 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal F. Montenegro Jan 7, 2016
#695 07 Jan 17:45 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal F. Montenegro Jan 7, 2016
#696 07 Jan 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 7, 2016
#697 07 Jan 19:50 Spark gaps Resume ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal F. Montenegro Jan 7, 2016
#698 07 Jan 19:55 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal F. Montenegro Jan 7, 2016
#699 07 Jan 23:59 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal AVALDEZ Feb 11, 2016
#700 08 Jan 01:00 Turn Off Imaging ISR+Imaging new Acquisition system normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#701 08 Jan 07:00 Spark Gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#702 08 Jan 07:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Jan 8, 2016
#703 08 Jan 07:50 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new Acquisition system normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#704 08 Jan 19:00 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Jan 8, 2016
#705 08 Jan 19:50 Operation summary ISR+Imaging new General normal Karim Kuyeng Feb 18, 2016
#706 08 Jan 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 9, 2016
#707 09 Ene 00:09 Plots ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#708 08 Ene 20:56 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#709 08 Ene 23:56 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#710 09 Ene 02:10 Imaging Off ISR new Acquisition system normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#711 09 Jan 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 9, 2016
#712 09 Ene 04:31 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#713 09 Ene 07:00 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Coronado Jan 9, 2016
#714 09 Ene 07:40 plots ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#715 09 Ene 08:00 Operation Resume ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 9, 2016
#716 09 Ene 19:15 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal dlume Jan 9, 2016
#717 09 Jan 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Jan 9, 2016
#718 09 Ene 19:40 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal dlume Jan 9, 2016
#719 09 Jan 23:15 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 10, 2016
#720 10 Jan 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Jan 10, 2016
#721 09 Jan 23:59 Plots ISR+Imaging new Plot normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#722 10 Jan 07:00 Spark gaps adjustment ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#723 10 Jan 01:15 Imaging Off ISR+Imaging new General normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#724 10 Jan 08:00 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal AValdez Feb 11, 2016
#725 10 Ene 10:30 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#726 10 Ene 12:49 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#727 10 Ene 16:12 Noise levels ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#728 10 Ene 17:50 We processing online with IDL ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#729 10 Ene 18:40 Start Imaging ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#730 10 Ene 18:05 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal J. Lavado Jan 10, 2016
#731 10 Ene 19:00 Plots ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#732 10 Jan 19:30 Transmitter power measurements ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Jan 10, 2016
#733 10 Ene 20:00 Operation resume ISR new General normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#734 10 Ene 20:01 End ISR new End experiment normal P.Condor Jan 10, 2016
#962 18 Feb 14:00 Final Report and Kpi ISR new General normal Feb 18, 2016
#963 18 Feb 14:00 Final Report and Kpi ISR new General normal Feb 18, 2016
#964 18 Feb 14:00 Final Report and Kpi ISR new General normal Feb 18, 2016

2015_12 ISR ISCOD (46 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#598 09 Dec 12:45 Log for ISR December campaign ISR new Start experiment normal Dec 9, 2015
#599 09 Dec 12:45 Main JRO Antenna VSWR ISR new Antennas normal Dec 9, 2015
#600 09 Dec 23:59 Last Plots of the Experiment ISR new Plot normal Dec 10, 2015
#601 10 Dec 03:52 - Imaging System Turn Off ISR new End experiment normal Dec 10, 2015
#602 10 Dec 07:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal Dec 10, 2015
#603 10 Dec 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 10, 2015
#604 10 Dec 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 10, 2015
#605 10 Dec 09:30 Off DDS Imaging ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#606 10 Dec 12:27 Off Transmitter ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#607 10 Dec 12:43 On transmitter ISR new Transmitters normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#608 10 Dec 13:30 Not noise in Ch B ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#609 10 Dec 14:19 On VIPIR with new IPP ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#610 10 Dec 17:56 Off tx ISR new Antennas normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#611 10 Dec 18:20 Attenuated ch 5 imaging ISR new Acquisition system normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#612 10 Dec 19:12 Noise levels ISR new General normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#613 10 Dec 20:00 PLOTS ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Dec 10, 2015
#614 10 Dec 20:00 Strange interference at B channel of ew_drift experiment ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Dec 11, 2015
#615 10 Dec 22:10 Transmitters were off to change the B field amplifier of the Imaging experiment ISR new Reception normal I. Manay Dec 11, 2015
#616 10 Dec 23:50 Full checking of B Imaging channel finished. ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Dec 11, 2015
#617 10 Dec 23:59 plots of experiments ISR+Imaging new Plot normal I. Manay Dec 11, 2015
#618 11 Dec 07:00 Spark-gaps summary ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal J. Lavado Dec 11, 2015
#620 11 Dec 07:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new General normal I. Manay Dec 11, 2015
#621 11 Dec 12:17 Transmitter OFF ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Dec 11, 2015
#622 11 Dec 12:40 Transmitter ON ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Dec 11, 2015
#623 11 Dec 13:40 Transmitter OFF ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Dec 11, 2015
#624 11 Dec 14:20 Transmitter ON ISR+Imaging new Transmitters normal Dec 11, 2015
#625 11 Dec 19:20 Spark-gaps summary ISR+Imaging new Spark Gaps normal Dec 11, 2015
#626 11 Dec 19:26 Transmitter power measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 11, 2015
#627 11 Dec 19:59 Operation Resume ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal Dec 11, 2015
#628 11 Dec 23:10 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 12, 2015
#629 12 Dec 07:10 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 12, 2015
#630 12 Dec 07:20 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Others Spark Gaps normal AValdez Dec 12, 2015
#631 11 Dec 23:59 plots of experiments ISR new JRO Staff Plot normal AValdez Dec 12, 2015
#632 12 Dec 07:40 Operation Resume ISR new General normal AValdez Dec 12, 2015
#633 12 Dec 19:06 Spark-gaps summary ISR new Spark Gaps normal DLume Dec 12, 2015
#634 12 Dec 11:59 Plots of experiments ISR new Plot normal DLume Dec 12, 2015
#635 12 Dec 19:14 Noise levels summary ISR+Imaging new Start experiment normal DLume Dec 12, 2015
#636 12 Dec 19:27 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 12, 2015
#637 12 Dec 19:42 Operation Resume ISR new End experiment normal Dlume Dec 12, 2015
#638 12 Dec 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurements ISR new Transmitters normal Dec 13, 2015
#639 12 Dec 21:03 Noise levels ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Dec 13, 2015
#640 13 Dec 00:05 Plots ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Dec 13, 2015
#641 13 Dec 00:34 Noise levels ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Dec 13, 2015
#642 13 Dec 03:00 Noise levels ISR new Process/Analysis Program normal P. Condor Dec 13, 2015
#643 13 Dec 03:11 OFF IMAGING ISR new Acquisition system normal p Dec 13, 2015
#644 10 Dec 18:31 Spark gaps adjustment ISR new Spark Gaps normal A. Coronado Dec 13, 2015
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Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.