Custom Query (60 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#37 10 Feb 18:08 PC Ares is restarted new I. Manay normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#44 11 Feb 06:15 Problems with channel E new AVALDEZ normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#149 25 Mar 18:00 Channels 2 and 8 attenuated by 1 dB new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#158 26 Mar 8:17 Attenuation has been changed in channel B of the Drift experiment assigned dcordova normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR
#179 07 Apr 08:00 Decrease of noise at experiment channels new I. Manay normal 2015_04 MST - ISR -EEJ ISR
#198 14 Apr 14:42 Interference at channel A new I. Manay normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#212 15 Abr 11:40 Channel 4 cable adjustment. new normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#252 25 May 23:41 Faraday attenuation new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#258 26 May 18:12 Changes in Imaging new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#259 26 May 18:54 Faraday attenuation new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#264 27 May 04:20 Some interference detected on channel A of EW Drift new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#266 27 May 05:10 Changing T/R from the channel 1 (A) from EW_Drift new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#267 27 May 05:17 Wrong T/R changed, fixing the error now. new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#268 27 May 05:28 Interference persist on the channel A new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#269 27 May 05:37 Changing channel A T/R load. new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#270 27 May 05:40 Interference is gone. new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#281 28 May 22:14 Ch A-EW_drifts TR is changed new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#285 29 May 04:36 Ch A Faraday is attenuated 1 db new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#288 25 May 8:17 Channel B was attenuated in DRIFTS new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#290 26 May 10:50 Interference in channel A new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#485 27 Aug 19:00 Noise levels new I. Manay normal 2015_08 Support CNOFS ISR+Imaging
#615 10 Dec 22:10 Transmitters were off to change the B field amplifier of the Imaging experiment new I. Manay normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#910 06 Feb 11:40 Interchang pre-amplifier new normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves ISR
#911 06 Feb 17:40 Imaging Starts new normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves ISR
#912 06 Feb 14:40 Noise Measurements new normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves ISR
#956 10 Feb 17:40 Noise Levels new normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves ISR
#969 14 Mar 19:00 Experiments were re-established new I. Manay normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle ISR+Imaging
#1022 18 Apr 16:00 Acquisition started new I. Manay normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#1047 21 Apr 12:36 Channel B goes 2dBs down new normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#1048 21 Apr 13:24 Transmitter turned off because of the channel B power decrease new normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#1050 21 Apr 13:49 Channel B went down again new normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#1052 21 Apr 13:53 Channel A and B are equivalent new normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#1113 14 Jul 06:40 Spark Gaps adjustment new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR
#1114 14 Jul 06:45 Noise measure new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR
#1117 14 Jul 10:30 Diode proteccion removed new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR
#1123 14 Jul 18:20 Imaging atenaution new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR
#1179 29 Sep 15:40 Test with JARS new I. Manay normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift ISR
#1206 26 Oct 07:30 Adjustment of reception line new I. Manay normal 2016_10 LP Faraday ISR
#1234 28 Nov 19:00 Vipir system was stopped new I. Manay normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1246 29 Nov 19:44 Noise new normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1266 01 Dec 05 :20 Noise history new I. Manay normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1300 02 Jan 17:23 Nivel de ruido de los canales new kkuyeng normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1309 03 Jan 15:04 noise floor got a little higher after the spark gaps adjustment new normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1312 03 Jan 17:40 noise floor got a little higher after the spark gaps adjustment new normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1313 03 Jan 19:32 noise floor a little higher on Faraday's channel A due to spark gaps adjustment new normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1411 02 Feb 12:40 Low noise at E channel of JASMET30 experiment new I. Manay normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR
#1428 03 Feb 19:42 Noise levels new normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1454 30 Mar 17:30 Imaging Mode starts new normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS ISR
#1457 30 Mar 19:40 Noise Levels new normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS ISR
#1496 20 Apr 08:14 Increase gain new normal 2017_04 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#1497 20 Apr 19:30 Noise Levels new normal 2017_04 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#1551 31 Jul 16:44 Adjustment at EW_Drifts experiment new I. Manay normal 2017_07_ISR School ISR
#1566 01 Aug 13:50 Faraday channels attenuation new P. Condor normal 2017_07_ISR School ISR
#1669 09 Sep 2017 11:45 Adjustment at Faraday reception line new I. Manay normal 2017_09 ISCOD ISR + Imaging ISR
#1729 27 Sep 19:38 Noise Levels new normal 2017_09_02 Drifts Meduim Power ISR
#1762 16 Nov 20:15 Noise increased new normal 2017_11 MIMO ISR
#1763 17 Nov 01:15 Noise decreased new normal 2017_11 MIMO ISR
#1768 16 Dic 08:25 Faraday Restart new normal 2017_12 Convection Polar Cap ISR+Imaging
#1810 19 Dec 19:20 Noise levels new normal 2017_12 Convection Polar Cap ISR
#162 26 Mar 16:25 Problem in channel A was corrected assigned dcordova high 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR
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