Custom Query (8 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#7 13 Jan 20:00 Stop of the experiment new I. Manay normal 2015_01 VIPIR + Topside ISR
#822 25 Jan 09:37 Spark Gap Maintenance new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#986 15 Mar 17:52 Experiment stopped new normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle ISR
#1207 26 Oct 15:00 Break at the experiment new I. Manay normal 2016_10 LP Faraday ISR
#1642 07 Set 06:32 Imaging is off new abelleza normal 2017_09 ISCOD ISR + Imaging ISR
#1665 09 Sep 06:26 Imaging is off new abelleza normal 2017_09 ISCOD ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#5 13 Jan 13:30 Change of DDS new I. Manay high 2015_01 VIPIR + Topside ISR
#159 26 Mar 13:23 Stop power transmission assigned dcordova high 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR
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