Custom Query (185 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 185)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#10 14 Jan 09:02 Experiment Configuration change new normal 2015_01 VIPIR + Topside ISR
#36 10 Feb 18:00 Imaging experiment is started new I. Manay normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#49 11 Feb 11:11 Lost of data new A. Aguilar normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#57 11 Feb 20:31 Problem with PC ARES new normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#58 11 Feb 20:32 Faraday Desincronization new normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#59 11 Feb 20:32 Restart EW_Drift new normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#60 11 Feb 20:40 Restart Faraday new normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#62 12 Feb 01:40 OFF Imaging new normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#72 13 Feb 00:30 Imaging system shut down, EW drift RF signal reconnected new normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#82 14 Feb 01:30 Imaging experiment is finished new I. Manay normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#87 14 Feb 11:50 Attenuation Channel E new AVALDEZ normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#89 14 Feb 22:40 Restart Adquisition new P.Condor normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#93 14 Feb 19:50 Faraday Desynchronization new P. Condor normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#96 14 Feb 22:00 The problem was the pulse of EW_Drifts new P. Condor normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#97 14 Feb 22:40 Restart Acquisition new P. Condor normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#99 15 Feb 02:07 Imaging OFF new P. Condor normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#102 15 Feb 06:40 Faraday Desynchronization new P. Condor normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#133 25 Mar 01:00 Imaging Off new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR
#140 25 Mar 10:20 Faraday experiment unsynchronized new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#141 25 Mar 10:23 Ares PC rebooted, it was halted. new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#144 25 Mar 10:50 Restarting clock divider device. new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#145 25 Mar 10:23 Changing the Trendnet device that change the aquisition computers monitors. new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#146 25 Mar 11:20 System completely restored with the processing software. new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#148 25 Mar 17:40 Imaging system started. new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#153 26 Mar 01:00 Imaging experiment ended new I. Manay normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR
#166 27 Mar 00:45 Imaging experiment ended new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#175 26 Mar 22:00 Imaging Acquisition System Lost of synchronization new ryanque normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR
#203 14 Abr 20:00 Ch B had high noise new P. Condor normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#213 15 Abr 13:40 Acquisition software halted new normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#214 15 Abr 14:00 Acquisition software halted new normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#216 15 Abr 16:00 Acquisition system hard drive changed. new normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#217 15 Abr 16:10 End of the hard drive change. new normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#257 26 May 17:49 EW Drift Acquisition stops new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#262 27 May 00:10 Imaging experiment stopped by us. new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#275 28 May 00:40 Imaging experiment stopped by us. new normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#284 29 May 00:36 Imaging Off new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#296 09 Jun 01:21 We change TR of Ch E new P. Condor normal 2015_06 Valley Experiment ISR
#297 26 May 00:38 Reset Pc Ares new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#300 25 May 23:26 Change of cable ChB new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#301 25 May 22:20 Test in Channel B and D -EW_Drifts new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#302 25 May 22:15 Change of TR -Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging ISR
#306 09 Jun 07:48 Attenuation ch E new P. Condor normal 2015_06 Valley Experiment ISR
#307 10 Jun 08:10 Restart Adquisition new P. Condor normal 2015_06 Valley Experiment ISR
#321 12 Jun 07:36 Plots coherence and cross spectra new P. Condor normal 2015_06 Valley Experiment ISR
#336 08 Jul 08:30 Reset JARS System new normal 2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#339 08 Jul 13:58 change drive system PC-JARS new normal 2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#351 10 Jul 00:32 Acquisition system was re-started new I. Manay normal 2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#352 10 Jul 06:34 Acquisition was restarted new I. Manay normal 2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#408 20 Jul 16:30 Start Imaging new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#409 21 Jul 08:00 Imaging Off and restart Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#410 21 Jul 08:08 Ch B - Faraday is attenuated 2 db new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#411 21 Jul 08:09 We changed ChA for Ch B faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#428 22 Jul 08:20 Restart Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#429 22 Jul 10:00 Reset batch Faraday for desinchronization new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#430 22 Jul 11:00 Attenuation in Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#431 22 Jul 14:59 Reset pc Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#432 22 Jul 16:15 Restart Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#433 22 Jul 17:31 Start Imaging new P. Condor normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#440 23 Jul 06:30 Stop Imaging new normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#467 26 Ago 20:26 Faraday loss synchronization new P. Condor normal 2015_08 Support CNOFS ISR
#476 27 Ago 07:10 Turn off Imaging new P. Condor normal 2015_08 Support CNOFS ISR
#477 27 Ago 07:20 Noise levels new P. Condor normal 2015_08 Support CNOFS ISR
#481 27 Aug 08:16 Faraday acquisition was restarted new I. Manay normal 2015_08 Support CNOFS ISR+Imaging
#482 27 Aug 11:44 Faraday acquisition was restarted new I. Manay normal 2015_08 Support CNOFS ISR+Imaging
#499 22 Sep 11:17 Faraday acquisition was restarted new I. Manay normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR+Imaging
#506 23 Sep 00:06 Imaging Off new normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support ISR+Imaging
#522 23 Sep 18:00 Imaging system turned on new normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR+Imaging
#527 23 Sep 21:50 Restart Faraday Pc new P. Condor normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#528 23 Sep 22:10 Restart Faraday new P. Condor normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#529 23 Sep 22:14 Reset of Faraday Pc new P. Condor normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#530 23 Sep 23:15 Restart EW Drift and Faraday batches new P. Condor normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#533 24 Sep 01:43 Off Imaging new P. Condor normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#535 24 Sep 05:50 Restart EW Drifts and faraday batches new P. Condor normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#605 10 Dec 09:30 Off DDS Imaging new P. Condor normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#606 10 Dec 12:27 Off Transmitter new P. Condor normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#609 10 Dec 14:19 On VIPIR with new IPP new P. Condor normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#611 10 Dec 18:20 Attenuated ch 5 imaging new P. Condor normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#643 13 Dec 03:11 OFF IMAGING new p normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#656 09 Dec 19:22 Interference observed at the B channel of EW_Drift experiment new A. Valdez normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR+Imaging
#676 05 Ene 17:36 Imaging On new P Condor normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#678 05 Ene 17:49 Tx on new P Condor normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#700 08 Jan 01:00 Turn Off Imaging new AValdez normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#703 08 Jan 07:50 Operation Resume new AValdez normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#710 09 Ene 02:10 Imaging Off new P.Condor normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#765 21 Ene 20:20 Restart batch in Jars new P.Condor normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#770 22 Ene 00:44 Reset Pc operaciones new P.Condor normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#792 22 Ene 17:00 JASMET processing begins new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ JASMET
#793 22 Ene 18:47 JASMET processing fixed, the header of the processed data has CodeType=17, this seems to be the problem new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ JASMET
#797 23 Jan 05:10 Change data Path new AVALDEZ normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#812 24 JAN 12:10 Problems with JARS new AValdez normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#817 25 Jan 07:00 Acq. re-starts new I. Manay normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#823 25 Jan 10:25 Acquisition system stopped new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#828 25 Jan 17:41 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#831 25 Jan 19:18 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#835 25 Jan 20:50 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#836 25 Jan 22:14 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#837 25 Jan 23:51 Plots new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#838 26 Jan 00:12 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#839 26 Jan 00:21 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#840 26 Jan 00:30 Acquisition restarted new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
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