Custom Query (98 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#69 12 Feb 22:20 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#70 13 Feb 00:02 Plots of rti and spectra new Plot normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#72 13 Feb 00:30 Imaging system shut down, EW drift RF signal reconnected new Acquisition system normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#73 13 Feb 00:35 Internet conection intermitent, uploaded plots aren´t great or take too much time to upload new Plot normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#74 13 Feb 02:10 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#75 13 Feb 06:20 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#139 25 Mar 10:15 IDL software stopped processing EW drift data. new Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#140 25 Mar 10:20 Faraday experiment unsynchronized new Acquisition system normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#141 25 Mar 10:23 Ares PC rebooted, it was halted. new Acquisition system normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#142 25 Mar 10:29 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#143 25 Mar 10:30 Faraday processing software restarted and synchronized. new Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#144 25 Mar 10:50 Restarting clock divider device. new Acquisition system normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#145 25 Mar 10:23 Changing the Trendnet device that change the aquisition computers monitors. new Acquisition system normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#146 25 Mar 11:20 System completely restored with the processing software. new Acquisition system normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#147 25 Mar 14:28 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#148 25 Mar 17:40 Imaging system started. new Acquisition system normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#149 25 Mar 18:00 Channels 2 and 8 attenuated by 1 dB new Reception normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#150 25 Mar 18:35 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#208 15 Abr 10:00 VIPIR stopped for a few minutes. new Other Instruments normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#209 15 Abr 10:56 Transmitter turned off. new Transmitters normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#210 15 Abr 11:38 Transmitters turned on again. new Transmitters normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#211 15 Abr 11:38 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#212 15 Abr 11:40 Channel 4 cable adjustment. new Reception normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#213 15 Abr 13:40 Acquisition software halted new Acquisition system normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#214 15 Abr 14:00 Acquisition software halted new Acquisition system normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#215 15 Abr 14:22 Spark gaps adjustmen. new Spark Gaps normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#216 15 Abr 16:00 Acquisition system hard drive changed. new Acquisition system normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#217 15 Abr 16:10 End of the hard drive change. new Acquisition system normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#219 15 Abr 19:30 Spark gaps adjustment. new Spark Gaps normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#220 15 Abr 19:50 Operation resume new General normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ
#261 26 May 23:59 Plots of rtis and spectras new Plot normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#262 27 May 00:10 Imaging experiment stopped by us. new Acquisition system normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#263 27 May 01:10 Spark Gap calibration new Spark Gaps normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#264 27 May 04:20 Some interference detected on channel A of EW Drift new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#265 27 May 04:40 Spark Gap calibration new Spark Gaps normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#266 27 May 05:10 Changing T/R from the channel 1 (A) from EW_Drift new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#268 27 May 05:28 Interference persist on the channel A new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#269 27 May 05:37 Changing channel A T/R load. new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#270 27 May 05:40 Interference is gone. new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#272 27 May 07:30 Spark Gap calibration new Spark Gaps normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#513 23 Sep 08:50 Transmitter went down new Transmitters normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#514 23 Sep 08:55 Transmitter turned on new Transmitters normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#515 23 Sep 09:04 Faraday plots were restarted, the software were not sending the data to the FTP new Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#516 23 Sep 09:10 Faraday plot was restarted, the digisonde file used for the plot was not reading new Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#518 23 Sep 09:57 ATR adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#519 23 Sep 11:00 Transmitter turned off for a connection checking. The channel A noise floor was too strong new Transmitters normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#520 23 Sep 13:05 ATR adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#521 23 Sep 15:41 Faraday plots were restarted, signal chain were not sending the data to the FTP new Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#522 23 Sep 18:00 Imaging system turned on new Acquisition system normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#523 23 Sep 18:12 Transmitter went down new Transmitters normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#524 23 Sep 18:23 Transmitter turned on, the protection circuit failed new Transmitters normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#525 23 Sep 18:32 ATR adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#526 23 Sep 14:00 Experiments plots new Plot normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS
#779 22 Ene 06:22 JASMET system went down new General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#780 22 Ene 08:30 220 VAC line was lower than 100 VAC on the JASMET cabin new Start experiment normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#782 22 Ene 09:40 JASMET system went up but without network connection new General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#783 22 Ene 10:00 Transmitter was shutdown because of a failure on the power supply new Transmitters normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#784 22 Ene 11:00 Transmitter up with half of the maximum power new Transmitters normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#785 22 Ene 11:20 Transmitter up at full power new Transmitters normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#786 22 Ene 11:24 ATR adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#787 22 Ene 12:19 Plots new Plot normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#788 22 Ene 13:44 Noise levels new Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#789 22 Jan 14:15 ATR adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#790 22 Ene 16:36 Energy up on the JASMET cabin new General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#791 22 Ene 17:06 ATR adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#792 22 Ene 17:00 JASMET processing begins new Acquisition system normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#793 22 Ene 18:47 JASMET processing fixed, the header of the processed data has CodeType=17, this seems to be the problem new Acquisition system normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#794 22 Ene 18:49 Noise levels new General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#1012 17 Mar 19:59 Operation Resume new General normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#1013 17 Mar 07:50 SPARK GAPS ADJUSTMENT new Spark Gaps normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#1045 21 Apr 10:30 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1046 21 Apr 12:00 Figures new Plot normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1047 21 Apr 12:36 Channel B goes 2dBs down new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1048 21 Apr 13:24 Transmitter turned off because of the channel B power decrease new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1049 21 Apr 13:46 Channels power apparently equivalent, transmitter turned on new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1050 21 Apr 13:49 Channel B went down again new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1051 21 Apr 13:53 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1052 21 Apr 13:53 Channel A and B are equivalent new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1053 21 Apr 16:02 Spark Gaps adjustment new Start experiment normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1306 03 Jan 19:30 Spark gaps adjustment history new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1307 03 Jan 10:10 Ares PC restarted new Acquisition system normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1308 03 Jan 11:45 ABS control system turned off new Other Instruments normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1309 03 Jan 15:04 noise floor got a little higher after the spark gaps adjustment new Reception normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1310 03 Jan 16:41 Faraday processing software restarted new Process/Analysis Program normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1311 03 Jan 17:29 Imaging acquisition system and processing software started new Acquisition system normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1312 03 Jan 17:40 noise floor got a little higher after the spark gaps adjustment new Reception normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1313 03 Jan 19:32 noise floor a little higher on Faraday's channel A due to spark gaps adjustment new Reception normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1314 03 Jan 19:50 Plots new Plot normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1372 26 Jan 10:00 Transmitter off for the change of power switches new Transmitters normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1373 26 Jan 10:15 Transmitter on new Transmitters normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1374 26 Jan 11:37 EW Drift processing software shut down because of an FTP connection failure. new Process/Analysis Program normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1375 26 Jan 12:31 EW Drift processing software enabled again. new Process/Analysis Program normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1376 26 Jan 12:50 Transmitter went down new Transmitters normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1377 26 Jan 14:33 Transmitter up again new Transmitters normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1378 26 Jan 17:26 Imaging acquisition and processing started new Acquisition system normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1379 26 Jan 18:05 Interference detected on JASMET channels 0 and 3 and Imaging channel 7 new Acquisition system normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1380 26 Jan 20:00 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1381 26 Jan 20:00 Operation Resume new Transmitters normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
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