Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#122 24 Mar 08:45 Noise Level Increase new General normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#123 24 Mar 09:10 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#124 24 Mar 09:39 Problem with Tx new Transmitters normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#125 24 Mar 12:08 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#126 24 Mar 15:23 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#127 24 Mar 17:58 Problem with Transmitter new Transmitters normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#128 24 Mar 18:07 Imaging experiment was started new Start experiment normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#129 24 Mar 18:35 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#378 15 Jul 08:29 Transmitters were off assigned jortiz Transmitters normal 2015_07_1 Support CNOFS
#379 15 Jul 19:00 Spark-gaps summary new jortiz Spark Gaps normal 2015_07_1 Support CNOFS
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.