Custom Query (38 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#105 15 Feb 10:40 Spark Gaps Adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#106 15 Feb 12:10 Hydra new Start experiment normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#107 15 Feb 14:50 Spark Gaps Adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#108 15 Feb 15:20 Change TR of channel A new Start experiment normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#109 15 Feb Operation Resume new Start experiment normal 2015_02 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#421 21 Jul 22:10 Spark Gap Adjustment new Antennas normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
#422 21 Jul 22:20 Galaxy pass new Antennas normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
#423 21 Jul 23:59 Stop Imaging new Other Instruments normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
#424 22 Jul 01:17 Spark Gap Adjustment new Antennas normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
#425 22 Jul 04:40 Spark Gap Adjustment new Antennas normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
#427 22 Jul 08:00 Operation Resume new General normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School
#575 01 Oct 09:07 Noise levels assigned dlume General normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#576 01 Oct 09:39 Spark gaps adjustment assigned dlume Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#577 01 Oct 12:07 Spark gaps adjustment assigned dlume Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#578 01 Oct 12:08 Noise level assigned dlume General normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#579 01 Oct 14:12 Plots assigned dlume Plot normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#580 01 Oct 15:00 Spark gaps adjustment new dlume Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#581 01 Oct 16:16 Noise level new dlume General normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#582 01 Oct 17:10 Change storage disk new dlume General normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#583 01 Oct 17:44 Spark gaps adjustment new dlume Spark Gaps normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#584 01 Oct 18:07 Noise level new dlume General normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#586 01 Oct 20:00 Operation resume new dlume General normal 2015_09_2 MST-ISR-EEJ
#633 12 Dec 19:06 Spark-gaps summary new DLume Spark Gaps normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#634 12 Dec 11:59 Plots of experiments new DLume Plot normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#635 12 Dec 19:14 Noise levels summary new DLume Start experiment normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#637 12 Dec 19:42 Operation Resume new Dlume End experiment normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#716 09 Ene 19:15 Spark gaps adjustment new dlume Start experiment normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#718 09 Ene 19:40 Operation Resume new dlume Start experiment normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#854 27 Jan 07:29 Spark gaps adjustment new dlume Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#855 27 Jan 07:33 Noise levels new dlume General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#856 27 Jan 20:00 Resume Operation new dlume Start experiment normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#942 08 Feb 23:59 Figures new dlume Plot normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#943 09 Feb 07:11 Spark gaps summary new dlume Spark Gaps normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#945 09 Feb 07:30 Noise levels new dlume General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#1360 25 Jan 11:00-11:05 Faraday Power off new Acquisition system normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1361 25 Jan 19:30 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1362 25 Jan 12:00 JASMET was fixed new Start experiment normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1363 25 Jan 20:00 Operation Resume new Start experiment normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.