Custom Query (10 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#158 26 Mar 8:17 Attenuation has been changed in channel B of the Drift experiment assigned dcordova Reception normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#161 26 Mar 16:00 Transmitters are powered assigned dcordova Transmitters normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#163 26 Mar 17:50 Start experiment IMAGING JARS assigned dcordova Start experiment normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#164 26 Mar 19:30 Spark gaps summary new A.Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#288 25 May 8:17 Channel B was attenuated in DRIFTS new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#289 25 May 10:20 Spark gap calibration in TR's and ATR's new Americo Huamani Spark Gaps normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#290 26 May 10:50 Interference in channel A new Reception normal 2015_05 ISR + Imaging
#861 28 Jan 19:00 Operation Resume new General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#159 26 Mar 13:23 Stop power transmission assigned dcordova Break Experiment high 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
#162 26 Mar 16:25 Problem in channel A was corrected assigned dcordova Reception high 2015_03 ISR + Imaging CNOFS Support
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