Custom Query (424 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 424)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#773 22 Ene 04:01 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#774 22 Ene 06:15 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#775 22 Ene 05:02 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#777 22 Ene 07:50 figures new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#778 22 Ene 08:00 resume operation new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#804 23 Jan 23:59 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#806 24 Jan 06:34 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#807 24 Jan 06:08 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#808 24 Jan 07:59 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#809 24 Jan 08:00 Resume Operation new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#847 26 Jan 23:59 Figures new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#849 27 Jan 06:33 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#850 27 Jan 05:40 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamani Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#851 27 Jan 07:50 Figures new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#852 27 Jan 08:00 Resume Operation new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#880 30 Jan 18:08 Noise Levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#881 30 Jan 17:00 Interference in EEJ from 10 to 14 hours. new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#882 30 Jan 18:00 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#885 30 Jan 20:00 Resume Operation new P.Condor General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#903 06 Feb 00:45 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#904 06 Feb 05:12 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#905 06 Feb 03:00 Imaging off new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#906 06 Feb 06:25 Spark Gaps adjustment new A. Huamani Spark Gaps normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#908 06 Feb 07:50 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#909 06 Feb 08:00 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#921 07 Feb 08:03 Restart EW_Drifts new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#922 07 Feb 12:03 Tx Off new P.Condor Transmitters normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#923 07 Feb 12:15 Tx On new P.Condor Transmitters normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#924 07 Feb 17:45 Imaging is on new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#926 07 Feb 18:30 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#927 07 Feb 19:05 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#928 07 Feb 19:50 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#929 07 Feb 20:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#947 10 Feb 00:20 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#948 10 Feb 01:07 Imaging Off new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#950 10 Feb 05:52 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#951 10 Feb 05:50 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#952 10 Feb 07:50 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#953 10 Feb 08:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#991 16 Mar 00:10 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#992 15 Mar 20:50 Problem with transmitter new P.Condor Transmitters normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#993 15 Mar 21:04 Transmitter is On new P.Condor Transmitters normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#994 16 Mar 06:32 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#995 16 Mar 01:36 Imaging off new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#997 16 Mar 06:08 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#998 16 Mar 07:55 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#999 16 Mar 08:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#1026 19 Abr 01:00 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1028 19 Abr 07:22 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1029 19 Abr 07:33 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1030 19 Abr 07:50 Figures new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1031 19 Abr 08:00 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1074 29 Abr 00:01 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1076 29 Abr 05:49 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1077 29 Abr 05:20 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1078 29 Abr 08:01 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1079 29 Abr 08:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1098 03 Jun 00:20 Plots new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1099 03 Jun 06:41 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1100 03 Jun 07:02 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1101 03 Jun 08:02 Plots new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1103 03 Jun 08:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1104 03 Jun 08:04 End Experiment new P.Condor End experiment normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1127 14 Jul 23:59 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1128 14 Jul 20:15 Restart Pc Ares new Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1129 14 Jul 23:05 Tx off new P.Condor Transmitters normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1130 15 Jul 01:05 Imaging Off new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1131 15 Jul 05:35 Noise Levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1132 15 Jul 05:33 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1134 15 Jul 03:59 Imaging On new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1135 15 Jul 06:19 Imaging Off new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1136 15 Jul 07:50 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1137 15 Jul 08:00 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1153 26 Jul 08:12 Digisonde turned off new P.Condor Other Instruments normal 2016_07_2 ISR School
#1154 26 Jul 08:30 Start Experiment new P.Condor Start experiment normal 2016_07_2 ISR School
#1155 26 Jul 10:10 Restart EW-Drift batch in ARES new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_07_2 ISR School
#1156 26 Jul 16:35 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_07_2 ISR School
#1157 26 Jul 19:32 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_07_2 ISR School
#1159 26 Jul 07:31 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_07_2 ISR School
#1165 17 Ago 00:05 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_08 PA3 Test
#1167 17 Ago 06:20 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_08 PA3 Test
#1168 17 Ago 05;49 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_08 PA3 Test
#1169 17 Ago 08:00 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_08 PA3 Test
#1170 17 Ago 17:00 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_08 PA3 Test
#1178 29 Sep 11:00 Bad spectra new Acquisition system normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1189 30 Set 11:30 Interchange of Channels new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1190 30 Set 11:38 Restart Acquisition in ARES new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1191 30 Set 11:40 Finish processing of drifts with the interchange of channels. new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1192 30 Set 19:02 Noise levels new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1193 30 Set 17:45 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1195 30 Set 19:50 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1196 30 Set 20:00 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1212 26 Oct 24:00 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1214 27 Oct 07:06 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1215 27 Oct 07:14 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1216 27 Oct 07:50 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1252 30 Nov 09:43 Restart pc ARES new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1253 30 Nov 11:35 Now is running new programs in Faraday new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1254 30 Nov 18:07 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1255 30 Nov 18:02 Starting Imaging new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
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