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Results (101 - 200 of 253)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#617 10 Dec 23:59 plots of experiments new I. Manay Plot normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#618 11 Dec 07:00 Spark-gaps summary new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#620 11 Dec 07:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#655 15 Dec 08:00 Data uploaded to PUMA new I. Manay General normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#656 09 Dec 19:22 Interference observed at the B channel of EW_Drift experiment new A. Valdez Acquisition system normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD
#658 04 Jan 17:12 Antena VSWR new I. Manay Antennas normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#659 04 Jan 18:50 Transmitters were down new I. Manay Transmitters normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#660 04 Jan 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#688 06 Jan 23:59 Plots new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#689 07 Jan 02:25 Fall of transmitters new I. Manay Transmitters normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#690 07 Jan 02:50 Imaging experiment is stopped new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#691 07 Jan 07:40 Spark-gaps summary new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#693 07 Jan 07:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD)
#749 13 Jan 19:30 Cuts and falls of the transmitters new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_2 Gyro Synchro
#751 13 Jan 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_01_2 Gyro Synchro
#760 21 Jan 18:10 Start of the experiment new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#761 21 Jan 18:45 Transmitter were on new I. Manay Transmitters normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#762 21 Jan 18:22 Spark-gaps summary new I. Manay Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#763 21 Jan 20:25 Restart of the experiment new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#764 21 Jan 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#815 24 Jan 23:59 Plots of the experiments new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#816 25 Jan 06:45 Spark-gaps summary new I. Manay Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#817 25 Jan 07:00 Acq. re-starts new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#819 25 Jan 07:00 Plots of the experiments new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#821 25 Jan 07:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#863 28 Jan 20:25 Acquisition system was restarted new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#864 29 Jan 00:09 Restart of the acquisition new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#865 29 Jan 00:10 Plots new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#867 29 Jan 07:15 Spark-gaps summary new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#869 29 Jan 07:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ
#930 07 Feb 23:59 Plots new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#932 08 Feb 07:10 Imaging experiment was stopped new I. Manay General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#933 08 Feb 07:40 Spark-gaps summary new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#934 08 Feb 07:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves
#968 14 Mar 18:30 ew_drift and Imaging experiments started new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#969 14 Mar 19:00 Experiments were re-established new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#970 14 Mar 19:51 Re-start of ew_drift experiment new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#971 14 Mar 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#1022 18 Apr 16:00 Acquisition started new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1023 18 Apr 19:57 Spark-gaps summary new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1024 18 Apr 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1038 20 Apr 15:30 Acquisition started new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1040 20 Apr 18:04 Spark Gap new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1042 20 Apr 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1055 25 Apr 10:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1058 25 Apr 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1067 27 Apr 18:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1068 27 Apr 18:22 Beacom new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1083 31 May 13:40 Acquisition started new I. Manay General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1084 31 May 18:58 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1085 31 May 15:02 Acquisition re-started new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1086 31 May 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1107 13 Jul 18:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1108 13 Jul 20:00 Operation resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1138 15 Jul 19:23 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Inostroza Spark Gaps normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1140 15 Jul 15:10 JARS for Hydra was stopped new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1141 15 Jul 18:00 JARS for Imaging experiment new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1142 15 Jul 19:45 Plots new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1143 15 Jul 19:59 Operation resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1175 13 Jul 23:59 Plots new Plot normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1179 29 Sep 15:40 Test with JARS new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1180 29 Sep 19:00 Interference during the experiment new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1181 29 Sep 19:20 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1182 29 Sep 19:59 Operation resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1183 29 Sep 19:30 Black out new I. Manay General normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift
#1205 26 Oct 07:30 Start of the experiment new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1206 26 Oct 07:30 Adjustment of reception line new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1207 26 Oct 15:00 Break at the experiment new I. Manay Break Experiment normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1208 26 Oct 16:15 Experiment was re-established new I. Manay General normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1210 26 Oct 19:00 Spark gaps adjustment history new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1211 26 Oct 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_10 LP Faraday
#1233 28 Nov 17:50 Start of the experiment new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1234 28 Nov 19:00 Vipir system was stopped new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1235 28 Nov 19:00 Spark gaps adjustment history new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1236 28 Nov 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1261 30 Nov 23:55 Plots of the day new I. Manay Plot normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1263 01 Dec 06:18 Spark gaps adjustment history new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1264 01 Dec 05:15 Imaging experiment on / off new I. Manay General normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1265 01 Dec 06:00 Restart of PC ARES new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1266 01 Dec 05 :20 Noise history new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1267 01 Dec 07:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD)
#1337 23 Jan 17:00 Start of the experiment new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1338 23 Jan 17:30 Imaging experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1339 23 Jan 19:29 Spark gaps adjustment history new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1345 23 Jan 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1388 30 Jan 07:52 Start of the experiment new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1389 30 Jan 09:37 Little break at the experiment new I. Manay Antennas normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1390 30 Jan 09:45 Test of filter at channel C of JASMET30 experiment new I. Manay General normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1391 30 Jan 17:35 Imaging experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1393 30 Jan 17:00 Spark gaps adjustment history new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1394 30 Jan 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1410 02 Feb 08:40 Digisonde was restablished new I. Manay General normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1411 02 Feb 12:40 Low noise at E channel of JASMET30 experiment new I. Manay Reception normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1412 02 Feb 15:50 EW_Drifts Acquisition was restarted new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1413 02 Feb 19:20 Spark gaps adjustment history new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1415 02 Feb 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD)
#1442 29 Mar 14:45 ISR experiments started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS
#1443 29 Mar 17:40 Imaging experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS
#1444 29 Mar 18:30 vipir was stopped new I. Manay Plot normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS
#1446 29 Mar 19:45 Spark gaps adjustment history new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS
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