Custom Query (1805 matches)


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Results (1001 - 1100 of 1805)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1019 18 Mar 17:00 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_03 ISCOD Meridian Circle
#1020 18 Apr 11:30 Log Created - LP new Start experiment normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1021 18 Apr 11:40 Antenna VSWR new Antennas normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1022 18 Apr 16:00 Acquisition started new I. Manay Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1023 18 Apr 19:57 Spark-gaps summary new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1024 18 Apr 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1025 19 Apr 00 :15 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1026 19 Abr 01:00 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1027 19 Apr 07 :05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1028 19 Abr 07:22 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1029 19 Abr 07:33 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1030 19 Abr 07:50 Figures new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1031 19 Abr 08:00 Operation Resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1032 19 Apr 14:30 Spark Gap new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1033 19 Apr 15:00 Interference Channel B new Physical Phenomena normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1034 19 Apr 16:04 Noise Levels new General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1035 19 Apr 16:30 End of campaign new End experiment normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1036 20 Apr 11:50 Start Campaign new General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1037 20 Apr 11:51 Antenna VSWR new Antennas normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1038 20 Apr 15:30 Acquisition started new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1039 20 Apr 19:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1040 20 Apr 18:04 Spark Gap new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1041 21 Apr 07:35 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1042 20 Apr 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1043 21 Apr 05:30 Noise in Channel B new Antennas normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1044 21 Apr 07:22 Spark Gap Adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1045 21 Apr 10:30 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1046 21 Apr 12:00 Figures new Plot normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1047 21 Apr 12:36 Channel B goes 2dBs down new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1048 21 Apr 13:24 Transmitter turned off because of the channel B power decrease new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1049 21 Apr 13:46 Channels power apparently equivalent, transmitter turned on new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1050 21 Apr 13:49 Channel B went down again new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1051 21 Apr 13:53 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1052 21 Apr 13:53 Channel A and B are equivalent new Reception normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1053 21 Apr 16:02 Spark Gaps adjustment new Start experiment normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1054 21 Apr 16:15 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell
#1055 25 Apr 10:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1056 25 Apr 18:32 Spark gaps adjustment assigned W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1057 25 Apr 19:30 Transmitter power measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1058 25 Apr 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1059 25 Apr 23:59 Plots assigned abelleza Plot normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1060 26 Apr 07:20 Transmitter power measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1061 26 Apr 07:30 Spark gaps adjustment new abelleza Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1062 Spark gaps adjustment and noise levels new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1063 plots (26 Abril 2016 - 08:00 - 16:20) new Plot normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1064 End of experiment new End experiment normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki
#1065 27 Apr 15:10 Log Created HP Meteors & JASMET new Start experiment normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1066 27 Apr 15:15 VSWR Antenna new Antennas normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1067 27 Apr 18:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1068 27 Apr 18:22 Beacom new I. Manay General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1069 27 Apr 23:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1070 28 Apr 00:00 Figures new Plot normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1071 28 Apr 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1072 28 Apr 07:30 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1073 28 Mar 07:59 Operation Resume new General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1074 29 Abr 00:01 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1075 29 Apr 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1076 29 Abr 05:49 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1077 29 Abr 05:20 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1078 29 Abr 08:01 Figures new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1079 29 Abr 08:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_04_3 HP Meteors JASMET
#1081 31 May 12:30 Log Created new Start experiment normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1082 31 May 12:40 Antenna VSWR new Antennas normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1083 31 May 13:40 Acquisition started new I. Manay General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1084 31 May 18:58 Spark gaps adjustment new W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1085 31 May 15:02 Acquisition re-started new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1086 31 May 19:59 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1087 31 May 23:59 Plot new abelleza Plot normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1088 01 Jun. 07:15 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1089 01 jun 07:05 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1090 01 Jun 15:30 Operation Resume new General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1091 01 Jun 15:30 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1092 01 Jun 15:30 End Experiment new End experiment normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1093 02 Jun 11:40 Meteor HP Campaign new Start experiment normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1094 02 Jun 11:45 Antenna VSWR new Antennas normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1095 02 Jun 16:30 Operation Resume) new Start experiment normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1096 02 jun 20:00 Spark gaps adjustment) new Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1097 02 Jun. 23:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1098 03 Jun 00:20 Plots new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1099 03 Jun 06:41 Noise levels new P.Condor General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1100 03 Jun 07:02 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark Gaps normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1101 03 Jun 08:02 Plots new P.Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1102 03 Jun. 08:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1103 03 Jun 08:00 Operation resume new P.Condor General normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1104 03 Jun 08:04 End Experiment new P.Condor End experiment normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor
#1105 11 Jul 10:30 Start Campaign new Start experiment normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1106 11 Jul 10:40 Antenna new Antennas normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1107 13 Jul 18:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start experiment normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1108 13 Jul 20:00 Operation resume new I. Manay General normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1109 13 Jul 21:45 Channel A EW Drift new Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1110 14 Jul 01:15 Acquisition Restarted new Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1111 14 Jul 05:00 Spread F finished new Physical Phenomena normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1112 14 Jul 06:00 Imaging turned off new End experiment normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1113 14 Jul 06:40 Spark Gaps adjustment new Reception normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1114 14 Jul 06:45 Noise measure new Reception normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1115 14 Jul 08:00 Operation resume new Start experiment normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1116 14 Jul 09:17 Acquisition restarted new Acquisition system normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1117 14 Jul 10:30 Diode proteccion removed new Reception normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1118 14 Jul 11:26 Remove Interference off new Process/Analysis Program normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
#1119 14 Jul 13:20 Transmitter on new Transmitters normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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