Custom Query (35 matches)


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Status: new (35 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#458 24 Aug 14:20 Log created Start experiment normal ISR
#459 24 Aug 14:28 VSWR Antenna Antennas normal ISR
#460 25 Agu 14:00 Plots of the Experiment avaldez Start experiment normal ISR
#461 25 Aug 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurement Transmitters normal ISR
#463 26 Aug 07:30 Transmitter Power Measurement Transmitters normal ISR+Imaging
#466 26 Aug 19:10 Transmitter power measurements Transmitters normal ISR+Imaging
#467 26 Ago 20:26 Faraday loss synchronization P. Condor Acquisition system normal ISR
#468 26 Ago 21:01 Noise levels P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal ISR
#469 26 Ago 22:00 Interference for Moon P. Condor General normal ISR
#470 26 Ago 23:01 Noise levels P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal ISR
#471 27 Ago 00:00 Plots P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal ISR
#472 27 Ago 02:23 Noise levels P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal ISR
#473 27 Ago 04:03 Noise Levels P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal ISR
#474 27 Aug 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurement Transmitters normal ISR+Imaging
#475 27 Ago 06:27 Pass CNOFS P. Condor General normal ISR
#476 27 Ago 07:10 Turn off Imaging P. Condor Acquisition system normal ISR
#477 27 Ago 07:20 Noise levels P. Condor Acquisition system normal ISR
#478 27 Ago 07:30 Spark gaps summary J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal ISR
#479 27 Ago 07:40 Plots rtis, noise and spectra P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal ISR
#480 27 Ago 08:00 Operation resume P. Condor General normal ISR
#481 27 Aug 08:16 Faraday acquisition was restarted I. Manay Acquisition system normal ISR+Imaging
#482 27 Aug 11:44 Faraday acquisition was restarted I. Manay Acquisition system normal ISR+Imaging
#483 27 Aug 15:16 Fall of transmitters I. Manay Transmitters normal ISR+Imaging
#484 27 Aug 16:00 Plots of the experiments I. Manay Plot normal ISR+Imaging
#485 27 Aug 19:00 Noise levels I. Manay Reception normal ISR+Imaging
#486 27 Aug 19:00 Spark-gaps summary W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal ISR+Imaging
#487 27 Aug 19:15 Change of reception hybrid W. Rojas Antennas normal ISR+Imaging
#488 27 Aug 19:30 Transmitter power measurements Transmitters normal ISR+Imaging
#489 27 Aug 19:59 Operation Resume I. Manay General normal ISR+Imaging
#490 27 Aug 23:00 Transmitter Power Measurement Transmitters normal ISR
#491 27 Agu 23:59 Last Plots of the Experiment AVALDEZ Plot normal ISR
#492 28 Agu 07:20 Spark gaps adjustment AVALDEZ Spark Gaps normal ISR+Imaging
#493 28 Agu 07:30 OPERATION RESUME AVALDEZ General normal ISR+Imaging
#494 28 Aug 08:00 Transmitter Power Measurement Transmitters normal ISR
#495 31 Aug 15:21 Data uploaded to PUMA I. Manay General normal ISR+Imaging
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