Custom Query (57 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#1080 09 May 10:00 Data not good for LP Farday experiment new high 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#192 08 Apr 11:30 Campaign canceled new ryanque normal 2015_04 MST - ISR -EEJ ISR
#443 23 Jul 08:20 Experiment ended new normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#447 27 Jul 17:50 Data was uploaded to PUMA new normal 2015_07_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#448 30 Jul 13:00 Resume MST-ISR-EEJ Apr 2015 new normal 2015_04_1 MST - ISR - EEJ ISR
#449 30 Jul 14:00 Operativity Resume new normal 2015_06 Valley Experiment ISR
#450 30 Jul 17:00 Operativity new normal 2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#451 30 Jul 17:30 Operativity DP Faraday July new normal 2015_07_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#452 31 Jul 11:40 Operativity ISR+Imaging July new normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#453 12 Aug 10:00 Final Report new normal 2015_07_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#457 20 Aug 10:00 Final Report new normal 2015_07 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#596 07 Oct 17:00 Final Report new normal 2015_09_1 Support CNOFS ISR
#597 14 Oct 14:00 Report Campaign new normal 2015_07_2 Support ISR School ISR
#601 10 Dec 03:52 - Imaging System Turn Off new normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#637 12 Dec 19:42 Operation Resume new Dlume normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#653 13 JDec 20:00 End of Experiment ISR new normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#668 05 Jan 13:10 Campaign Report new normal 2015_12 ISR ISCOD ISR
#734 10 Ene 20:01 End new P.Condor normal 2016_01_1 ISR+Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#892 Turno 31-Enero2016 8am - 8pm new normal 2016_01_3 MST-ISR-EEJ ISR
#958 10 Feb 19:50 Operation Resume new normal 2016_02_1 ISCOD Gravity Waves ISR
#1035 19 Apr 16:30 End of campaign new normal 2016_04_1 LP Farday - Hysell ISR
#1064 End of experiment new normal 2016_04_2_Hydrogen_gyro - Kudeki ISR
#1092 01 Jun 15:30 End Experiment new normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor ISR
#1104 03 Jun 08:04 End Experiment new P.Condor normal 2016_05 LP Faraday Meteor ISR
#1112 14 Jul 06:00 Imaging turned off new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR
#1148 16 Jul 08:03 System Off new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR+Imaging
#1171 17 Aug 11:00 Report new normal 2016_07_2 ISR School ISR
#1172 17 Aug 17:00 TX Off new normal 2016_08 PA3 Test ISR
#1173 22 Aug 14:30 Report new normal 2016_08 PA3 Test ISR
#1174 27 Aug 08:50 Operativity new normal 2016_07_1 EW Drift + AMISR ISR
#1202 19 Oct 09:00 Report Campaign new normal 2016_09 ISCOD Storm EW Drift ISR
#1285 03 Dec 06:12 Imaging is off new abelleza normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1334 23 Jan 14:00 Final Report and Operativity new normal 2016_11 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1335 23 Jan 14:10 Final Report and Operativity new normal 2017_01 ISR + Imaging (ISCOD) ISR
#1342 24 Jan 06:00 Finish Imaging Experiment new abelleza normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR
#1366 26 Jan 06:02 Imaging off new normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1384 27 Jan 06:02 Imaging off new abelleza normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1386 27 Jan 08:01 End experiment new abelleza normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR
#1408 02 Feb 07:19 Imaging Off new abelleza normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1436 04 Feb 08:06 End Experiment new abelleza normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR+Imaging
#1439 14 Feb 09:00 Final Report new normal 2017_01_1 SSW (ISCOD) ISR
#1450 30 Mar 06:52 Finish Imaging Experiment new normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS ISR+Imaging
#1476 01 Apr 06:10 Finish Imaging Experiment new abelleza normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS ISR+Imaging
#1478 01 Apr 08:05 Finished experiment new abelleza normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS ISR+Imaging
#1481 05 Apr 15:00 Report new normal 2017_03 ISCOD CONGSS ISR
#1530 05 May End Experiment new normal 2017_05 Driver Mode for EW Drift ISR
#1534 16 May 11:00 Operativity new normal 2017_05 Driver Mode for EW Drift ISR
#1622 23 Aug 11:00 Upload data to PUMA new I. Manay normal 2017_08 Eclipse Aug 21 ISR
#1651 08 Set 2017 07:50 Imaging off new normal 2017_09 ISCOD ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1692 11 Sep 2017 19:15 End experiment new normal 2017_09 ISCOD ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1706 20 Sep 09:00 Final Reports new normal 2017_09 ISCOD ISR + Imaging ISR
#1756 14 Nov 07:54 End Expeirment new normal 2017_11 MIMO ISR
#1758 15 Nov 07:50 End Expeirment new normal 2017_11 MIMO ISR
#1760 16 Nov 07:35 End Experiment new normal 2017_11 MIMO ISR
#1764 17 Nov 08:00 End Experiment new normal 2017_11 MIMO ISR
#1799 20 Dec 06:00 stop of experiment new I. Manay normal 2017_12 Convection Polar Cap ISR
#1813 04 Jan FInal Report new normal 2017_12 Convection Polar Cap ISR
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