Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: new (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#261 26 May 23:59 Plots of rtis and spectras Plot normal
#262 27 May 00:10 Imaging experiment stopped by us. Acquisition system normal
#263 27 May 01:10 Spark Gap calibration Spark Gaps normal
#264 27 May 04:20 Some interference detected on channel A of EW Drift Reception normal
#265 27 May 04:40 Spark Gap calibration Spark Gaps normal
#266 27 May 05:10 Changing T/R from the channel 1 (A) from EW_Drift Reception normal
#267 27 May 05:17 Wrong T/R changed, fixing the error now. Reception normal
#268 27 May 05:28 Interference persist on the channel A Reception normal
#269 27 May 05:37 Changing channel A T/R load. Reception normal
#270 27 May 05:40 Interference is gone. Reception normal
#271 27 May 07:00 Transmitter Power Measurements Transmitters normal
#272 27 May 07:30 Spark Gap calibration Spark Gaps normal
#274 27 May 23:59 Plots of the experiment Plot normal JRO Staff
#279 28 May 19:00 Transmitter Power Measurements Transmitters normal
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