Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#8 14 Jan 06:54 Start of the experiment AValdez new Start experiment normal
#9 14 Jan 07:19 Transmitter falls AValdez new Transmitters normal
#10 14 Jan 09:02 Experiment Configuration change AValdez new Acquisition system normal
#11 14 Jan 09:48 Spark Gaps Adjustment AValdez new Spark Gaps normal
#12 14 Jan 13:20 Spark Gaps adjustment AValdez new Spark Gaps normal
#13 14 Jan 16:02 Spark Gaps adjustment AValdez new Spark Gaps normal
#14 14 Jan 17:30 Problems with Channel C or D Stop the experiment AValdez new General normal
#15 14 Jan 19:15 Spark Gaps adjustment AValdez new Spark Gaps normal
#16 14 Jan 20:00 Spread F start AValdez new Physical Phenomena normal
#17 14 Jan 21:00 Coherence 32 Short Pulse Problem durind the day AValdez new Plot normal
#19 14 Jan 23:33 End of Experiment 150 km Jicamarca AValdez new AValdez General normal
#112 16 Feb 17:00 Operation Resumen AVALDEZ new Start experiment normal
#333 08 Jul 08:00 Operation Resume avaldez new General normal
#334 08 Jul 07:00 Spark gaps adjustment avaldez new Spark Gaps normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.