Custom Query (71 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#2 20set2011- Test new Karim Kuyeng normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR
#225 17-01-2012 / 17:56 Cambio de TR en el canal C new Luis Condori normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR
#338 08:58 Se cambia atenuador de paso por uno fijo, Canal B EW_Drift new Rita Abad normal 2012_06 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD Campaign ISR
#514 19 Dec 18:47 Revisión de conexiones new Rita Abad normal 2012_12 EW_Drift + Faraday + Imaging Dec 18 - 21 ISR
#516 19 Dec 19:28 Atenuación de 1 dB (canal D - EW_Drift ) new Rita Abad normal 2012_12 EW_Drift + Faraday + Imaging Dec 18 - 21 ISR
#521 06 Mar 10:15 Sistema de recepción new normal 2013_03 HYBRID 2 mode ISR
#522 06 Mar 10:51 Cambios en la etapa de recepción (Pre-amplificadores) new normal 2013_03 HYBRID 2 mode ISR
#588 19 Mar 09:11 Se intercambian los canales A y B (en recepci'on) new Rita Abad normal 2013_03 DriftHighAltitude ISR
#808 29 Abr 20:00 Problemas con EW_Drift y canal A de Imaging new Rita Abad normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#905 11 Jul 19:44 diferencia de ruido entre canal A y B mayor a 1dB new D. Cordova normal 2013_07 EW_Drift + Faraday ISR
#906 11 Jul 19:50 Ajuste de chisperos y mejora en la diferencia de ruido de A y B EW-Drift new D. Cordova normal 2013_07 EW_Drift + Faraday ISR
#913 12 Jul 02:08 Ruido observados en la adquisicion new D. Cordova normal 2013_07 EW_Drift + Faraday ISR
#923 12 Jul 07:35 Niveles de ruido new D. Cordova normal 2013_07 EW_Drift + Faraday ISR
#931 30 Jul 18:80 Se cambia TR de Canal D para ver si cambia new P Condor normal 2013_07_1 EW_Drift+Faraday ISR
#961 10 Sep 06:45 Cambio de TR de recepcion en el canal A new DCordova normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#962 10 Sep 07:30 Revision de TR new DCordova normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#1003 12 Set 05:50 Cambio de TRs en sala de Operaciones new I. Manay normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#1004 12 Set 06:10 Atenuacion canal A new I. Manay normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#1111 04 Nov 08:40 Problema de coherencia new I. Manay normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#1113 04 Nov 10:04 Se cambia TR-s para verificar coherencia de canales C y D new I. Manay normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#1123 06 Nov 04:35 Cambio amplificador de campo de Faraday new I. Manay normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#1153 07 Ene 2014 19:21 Sin Tx new imanay normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1170 08 Ene 2014 23:30 Revision de TR de canal 3 new DCordova normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1219 20 Ene 22:40 Falla de TR en canal A new avaldez normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1220 20 Ene 23:20 Falla de TR en canal A new avaldez normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1249 22 Ene 16:00 Se atenuo en 1db el canal B new normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1252 22 Ene 17:40 Se atenuo en 1 dB mas el canal B new normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1312 26 Ene 07:56 Interferencia new normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1313 26 Ene 07:56 Interferencia new normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1323 27 Ene 02:15 Intercambio de Amplificadores new AValdez normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1324 27 Ene 02:30 Cambio de Amplificador Canal A new AValdez normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1335 28 Ene 03:15 Inicio de reparacion de linea de recepcion canal B de Faraday (dura 16 minutos) new jlavado normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1337 28 Ene 03:45 Atenuacion de 1dB en canal A para igualar al B (Faraday). Ruido entre A y B es menor a 1 dB. new jverastegui normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1342 28 Ene 12:26 Vuelve el ruido a nivel normal en Canal A y B EW Drift new ryanque normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1360 29 Ene 12:51 Nivel de canal C y D EW Drift vuelven a lo normal new ryanque normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1363 29 Ene 17:58 Se atenua canal C EW Drift new ryanque normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1391 31 Mar 17:40 Amplification Stage on Faraday new ivan manay normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1412 01 Apr 21:21 Difference in Noise of Ch A and B is more of 2 db new P.Condor normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1413 01 Apr 21:25 ChA is attenuated at 1 db new P. Condor normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1414 01 Apr 21:35 ChA is attenuated at 1 db new P. Condor normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1416 01 Apr 22:22 Change Tr at ChA new P. Condor normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1419 02 Apr 05:00 ChA is recovered after fall of TX1 new P. Condor normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1504 25 Apr 14:15 Change of the attenuation at the B channel new I. Manay normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1506 25 Apr 15:35 Testing a repaired TR new A. Belleza normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1511 05 May 17:30 Restart of Faraday experiment new I. Manay normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1512 05 May 17:55 Change of the attenuation new I. Manay normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1530 07 May 08:35 Interchange TR Ew Drift new ryanque normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR
#1566 13 May 11:45 Interference Signals in EEJ part new dsuarez normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1673 04 Ago 20:20 TR Ch A is changed new P.Condor normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1686 26 Aug 18:00 vipir system was turned off new imanay normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1714 24 Sep 04:30 1dB attenuation to the ew_drift channel A new I. Manay normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1715 24 Sep 07:55 Drop at reception lines of ew_drift and faraday experiments new I. Manay normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1888 15 Dec 17:08 Interference observed at EW_drift experiment new I. Manay normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#1889 15 Dec 17:48 Imaging experiment was started new I. Manay normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#1895 15 Dec 22:05 Noise Channel D-EW_Drifts rises more of 2 db new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1898 15 Dec 22:17 Change of TR of channel D new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1906 16 Dec 06:55 Noise channel D of EW_drifts low 2 db new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1907 16 Dec 08:00 Operation Resume new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1908 16 Dec 07:22 Channel D is OK. new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1976 18 Dec 20:50 Ch D Imaging has low noise new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1978 18 Dec 23:00 Ch D Imaging has normal level of noise new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1988 19 Dec 05:40 Change of TR of Ch A -EW_Drifts new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1997 19 Dec 18:10 Change of Cables of Channels A and C - EW Drifts new normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2016 20 Dec 22:40 Change of TR of Ch C EWDrifts new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2017 21 Dec 00:05 Attenuation of 1 dB for Ch D EW_Drifts new P. Condor normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2051 07 Jan 05:12 Interference of Digisonde mode Day (5 am) new normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2052 07 Jan 14:15 Interference of Digisonde mode Day (5 am) corrected by filter new normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#1014 23 Set 22:00 Diferencia de ruido en los canales de JARS new D. Cordova high 2013_09_1 ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1293 25 Ene 08:00 Atenuación 1dB canal A de Faraday new imanay high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1503 25 Apr 14:00 Problems with a TR of the EW_Drift experiment (A channel) new I. Manay high 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1531 07 May 11:45 Interference on channel B of Faraday experiment new ryanque high 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR
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