Custom Query (340 matches)


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Results (201 - 300 of 340)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1457 04 Abr 12:35 End of campaign new P. Condor End experiment normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime
#1516 05 May 22:30 Calibration ATRs-TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1517 06 May 00:09 End Imaging new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1518 06 May 02:40 Calibration ATRs-TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1519 06 May 00:00 Figures of rtis, noise,etc new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1520 06 May 06:58 Calibration ATRs-TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1548 08 May 20:30 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1549 08 May 22:10 Faraday Ch A falls new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1550 08 May 23:59 Figures of rtis, spectros, etc new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1551 09 May 00:30 Calibration of ATrs and TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1552 09 May 00:50 Low Power Channels EW_Drifts new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1553 09 May 01:12 Shut down Transmitter new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1554 09 May 01:36 On Transmitter of EW_Drifts new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1555 09 May 04:35 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1557 09 May 08:00 End Experiment new P. Condor End experiment normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR
#1573 13 May 21:42 Restart Batch in Jars new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1574 13 May 22:19 Restart Batch in Jars new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1575 13 May 22:45 Restart Batch in Jars new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1576 13 May 22:56 Restart MST-ISR-ISR.bat in Jars new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1577 13 May 23:00 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new A. Coronado Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1578 13 May 23:48 Restart MST-ISR-EEj.bat in Jars new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1579 14 May 00:00 Figures of spectros new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1580 14 May 01:08 Restart MST-ISR-EEJ.bat and new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1581 14 May 01:30 Restart MST-ISR-EEJ.bat in Jars new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1582 14 May 03:00 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new A. Coronado Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1583 14 May 04:00 Restart and now there are figures new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1584 14 May 06:48 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new A. Coronado Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1635 16 May 09:00 Problem in Transmitter new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1636 16 May 09:40 Transmitter ON new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1637 16 May 10:32 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new A. Coronado Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1638 16 May 11:00 Rommel is remplaced by Victor new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1639 16 May 14:36 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new A. Coronado Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1640 16 May 18:00 End of experiment new P. Condor End experiment normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1642 16 May 18:24 Transmitter turned on to testing new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1643 16 May 18:45 Figures of rtis and spectros new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1644 16 May 18:59 Figures of MST new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR
#1669 04 Ago 18:08 We started recording data new P. Condor Start experiment normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1670 04 Ago 18:36 Revision of Channels D,E,F new P. Condor Antennas normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1671 04 Ago 19:34 Noise channels after revision channels D,E, and F new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1672 04 Ago 19:36 Tx turn on new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1673 04 Ago 20:20 TR Ch A is changed new P.Condor Reception normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1674 04 Ago 20:24 Beacon is connected new P.Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1675 05 Ago 07:30 Ch E noise is low new P.Condor Antennas normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1676 05 Ago 09:54 Pre Amplifier of ch E is changed new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1677 05 Ago 10:02 Transmitter turn on new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1678 05 Ago 12:25 End new P. Condor End experiment normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1679 05 Ago 12:20 Figures rti and spectra new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1681 05 Ago 08:20 Transmitter is turned off new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05
#1696 27 Aug 09:00 End snd Figures new P. Condor End experiment normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School
#1701 22 Set 20:23 Imaging is OK new P. Condor Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1702 22 Set 20:28 Transmitter off new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1703 22 Set 23:54 Fix ATRs new A. Belleza Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1704 23 Set 04:50 EW_Drifts Ch C and faraday Noise ch B are ok new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1705 23 Set 05:14 Fix ATRs new A. Belleza Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1706 23 Set 06:50 Transmitter off new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1707 22 Set 23:59 Figures of rtis, spectra and others new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1728 25 Set 08:10 Restart EW_Drifts new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1729 25 Set 09:10 Restart Faraday new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1730 25 Set 12:10 Calibration of ATrs and TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1731 25 Set 16:30 Calibration ATRs and TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1749 26 Set 23:50 Calibration ATR and Tr new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1750 27 Set 03:15 Stop Imaging new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1751 26 Set 23:59 Figures of noise, rtis and others new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1752 27 Set 04:00 Calibration of ATR and TR new P. Condor Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1753 27 Set 03:20 Figures of Imaging new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1755 27 Set 06:30 Fall of Tx new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1756 27 Set 06:56 Tx On new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1757 27 Set 07:09 Tx Off new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1758 27 Set 07:20 Calibration of ATR and TR new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1759 27 Set 08:00 End and figures new P. Condor End experiment normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging
#1764 29 Set 22:20 Calibration of ATR and TR new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1765 29 Set 23:59 Figures of spectra and rti new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1766 30 Set 01:35 Calibration of ATR and TR new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1768 30 Set 05:20 Calibration of ATR and TR new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1800 02 Oct 17:35 Change of Hard disk en JARS new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1801 02 Oct 17:40 Restart Acquition and processing new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1802 02 Oct 18:06 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new A. Coronado Antennas normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ
#1851 25 Nov 22:40 Calibration of ATr and Trs new J. Lavado Start experiment normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1852 26 Nov 00:00 Figures of rtis, noises and others new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1853 26 Nov 02:13 Imaging Off new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1854 26 Nov 02:30 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1856 26 Nov 05:45 Restart Faraday new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1857 26 Nov 06:45 Calibration of ATRs and Trs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1858 26 Nov 07:28 Problem with Driver 1 screen new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1859 26 Nov 07:30 Batch of Faraday restart new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1860 26 Nov 07:37 Restart Faraday Batch new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1894 15 Dec 21:20 Digisonde every 5 min new P. Condor Other Instruments normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1895 15 Dec 22:05 Noise Channel D-EW_Drifts rises more of 2 db new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1896 15 Dec 22:08 Falls Transmitter of EW_Drifts new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1897 15 Dec 22:10 Spark Gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1898 15 Dec 22:17 Change of TR of channel D new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1899 15 Dec 23:59 Figures of rtis and others new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1900 15 Dec 23:59 Figures of Imaging new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1901 16 Dec 00:56 End of Imaging new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1902 16 Dec 00:00 Figures Faraday new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1905 16 Dec 06:15 Spark Gap adjustment new P. Condor Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1906 16 Dec 06:55 Noise channel D of EW_drifts low 2 db new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1907 16 Dec 08:00 Operation Resume new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1908 16 Dec 07:22 Channel D is OK. new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1909 16 Dec 07:33 Desincrozation Faraday new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
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