Custom Query (2032 matches)


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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2032)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1856 26 Nov 05:45 Restart Faraday new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1857 26 Nov 06:45 Calibration of ATRs and Trs new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1858 26 Nov 07:28 Problem with Driver 1 screen new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1859 26 Nov 07:30 Batch of Faraday restart new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1860 26 Nov 07:37 Restart Faraday Batch new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1862 26 Nov 10:30 Spark Gaps Adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1863 26 Nov 15:15 Spark Gaps Adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1865 26 Nov 19:30 Transmitter power measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1866 27 Nov 00:20 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1867 27 Nov 07:08 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1871 27 Nov 15:40 Interferences at B channel of ew_drift experiment new I. Manay Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1872 27 Nov 16:12 Spark gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Spark Gaps normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1873 27 Nov 17:08 End of the moon pass new I. Manay General normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1874 27 Nov 17:45 Imaging experiment has started new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1875 27 Nov 18:25 PC of ew_drift experiment was restarted new I. Manay Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1876 27 Nov 19:15 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1877 27 Nov 23:13 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1878 28 Nov 07:10 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1879 28 Nov 01:00 Imaging experiment turned off new AValdez Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1880 28 Nov 03:20am Fall of the transmitters new AValdez Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1881 28 Nov 04:00am SPARK GAPS ADJUSTMENT new AValdez Spark Gaps normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1882 27 Nov 23:59 Figures of rtis, noises and others new AValdez Plot normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28
#1885 15 Dec 10:00 Log created new ryanque Start experiment normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1886 15 Dec 11:30 Antenna VSWR new ryanque Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1888 15 Dec 17:08 Interference observed at EW_drift experiment new I. Manay Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1889 15 Dec 17:48 Imaging experiment was started new I. Manay Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1891 15 Dic 19:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new V. Quezada Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1892 15 Dec 19:23 Transmitter failure new I. Manay Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1893 15 Dec 19:59 Operation time new I. Manay General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1894 15 Dec 21:20 Digisonde every 5 min new P. Condor Other Instruments normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1895 15 Dec 22:05 Noise Channel D-EW_Drifts rises more of 2 db new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1896 15 Dec 22:08 Falls Transmitter of EW_Drifts new P. Condor Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1897 15 Dec 22:10 Spark Gaps adjustment new J. Lavado Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1898 15 Dec 22:17 Change of TR of channel D new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1899 15 Dec 23:59 Figures of rtis and others new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1900 15 Dec 23:59 Figures of Imaging new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1901 16 Dec 00:56 End of Imaging new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1902 16 Dec 00:00 Figures Faraday new P. Condor Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1903 16 Dic 07:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1905 16 Dec 06:15 Spark Gap adjustment new P. Condor Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1906 16 Dec 06:55 Noise channel D of EW_drifts low 2 db new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1907 16 Dec 08:00 Operation Resume new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1908 16 Dec 07:22 Channel D is OK. new P. Condor Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1909 16 Dec 07:33 Desincrozation Faraday new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1910 16 Dec 08:00 Operation Time new P. Condor General normal
#1911 16 Dec 08:48 Transmisor 1 Failure new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1912 16 Dec 09:09 Ajuste de ATR y TR new Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1913 16 Dec 09:19 Se reinicio sola la PC de Faraday. Se reinicia adquisicion new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1914 16 Dec 09:20 Se perdio el sincronismo en Faraday. new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1915 16 Dec 10:04 Se corrigio el sincronismo de Faraday, reiniciando el Controlador de Radar new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1917 16 Dec 13:35 Se desincronizo Faraday, se reinicio la adquisicion new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1919 16 Dec 17:17 Hubo unas pruebas de VIPIR a las 16:41 ; 16:47 ; 17:19 new General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1920 16 Dec 17:45 Se activo la adquisicion de Imaging new Start experiment normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1921 16 Dec 19:05 Spark Gap Adjustment new Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1922 16 Dec 19:10 Sobrecorriente en el driver 1 new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1923 16 Dec 19:30 Transmitter power measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1924 16 Dec 19:59 OPERACION RESUME new aaguilar General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1925 16 Dec 23:03 Calibration of ATR and TR new jortiz Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1926 16 Dec 23:59 RTIs and Other Graphs new jortiz Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1927 16 Dec 23:59 Imaging Graphs new jortiz Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1928 17 Dec 00:15 End of Imaging new jortiz End experiment normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1929 17 Dec 03:20 Calibration of ATR and TR new jortiz Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1930 17 Dec 07:16 Calibration of ATR and TR new jortiz Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1931 17 Dec 07:30 Transmitter power measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1932 17 Dec 07:59 TIEMPO DE OPERACION new jortiz General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1933 16 Dec 10:05 Calibration of ATR and TR new Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1934 17 Dec 19:30 Transmitter power measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1935 17 Dec 10:05 Calibration of ATR and TR new Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1936 17 Dec 13:00 VIPIR turned on new Other Instruments normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1937 17 Dec 14:00 Power source to the transmitter 1 OFF new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1938 17 Dec 14:20 Calibration of ATR and TR new Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1939 17 Dec 15:21 VIPIR turned on new Other Instruments normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1940 17 Dec 17:00 Desincrozation Faraday new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1941 17 Dec 17:30 Imaging experiment was started new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1942 17 Dec 2014 17:10 Problems with uploading images to the serverJRO-APP new Plot normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1943 17 Dec 17:57 Calibration of ATR and TR new Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1944 17 Dec 20:34 TIEMPO DE OPERACION new General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1945 17 Dic 23:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1946 17 Dec 23:59 FIGURES OF EXPERIMENT new AVALDEZ Plot normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1947 18 Dic 07:05 Transmitter Power Measurements new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1948 18 Dec 07:09 Transmitter falls new AVALDEZ Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1949 18 DEC 07:30 TX On new AVALDEZ Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1950 18 DEC 07:59 Tiempo de Operacion new AVALDEZ Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22
#1951 18 DEC 08:30 TR change channel A new Start experiment normal
#1952 18 DEC 08:30 calibration of ATR and TR new Start experiment normal
#1953 18 DEC 08:40 TR change channel A new Start experiment normal
#1954 18 DEC 09:00 Step moon new Start experiment normal
#1955 18 DEC 11:33 Stopped processing data EW_drift new Start experiment normal
#1956 18 DEC 11:42 Faraday desynchronization new Start experiment normal
#1957 18 DEC 11:49 Faraday synchronized new Start experiment normal
#1958 18 DEC 12:04 Stopped processing data PC Faraday new Start experiment normal
#1959 18 DEC 12:10 Restarted processing data PC (Faraday,EW_drift) new Start experiment normal
#1960 18 DEC 12:25 Stopped processing data EW_drift and Faraday new Start experiment normal
#1961 18 DEC 12:30 calibration of ATR and TR new Start experiment normal
#1962 18 DEC 12:41 Restarted processing data PC (Faraday,EW_drift) new Start experiment normal
#1963 18 DEC 14:10 transmitter falls new Start experiment normal
#1964 18 DEC 14:15 recovering transmission new Start experiment normal
#1965 18 DEC 16:00 calibration of ATR and TR new Start experiment normal
#1966 18 DEC 17:28 Imaging experiment was started new Start experiment normal
#1967 18 DEC 17:35 transmitter falls new Start experiment normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.