Custom Query (38 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#642 13 Abr 00:00 Se detiene programa de procesamiento de EW_Drift new Process/Analysis Program normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#752 30 Abr 13:28 Ajuste de chisperos ATRs y TRs new Antennas normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR
#753 30 Abr 16:05 Inicia Adquisicion con JARS para IMAGING new Start experiment normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#755 30 Abr 16:40 Ajuster de chisperos TRs y ATRs new Antennas normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#756 30 Abr 18:52 Ajuste de Chisperos TRs y ATRs new Antennas normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#802 02 May 09:42 Calibración de Chisperos ATRs y TRs new Antennas normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#810 02 May 16:01 El usuario local detiene el procesamiento de Faraday new Process/Analysis Program normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#811 02 May 16:05 Inicia Experimento Imaging new Start experiment normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#812 02 May 17:05 El usuario local reinicia el procesamiento de Faraday new Process/Analysis Program normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#815 02 May 17:57 Reinicia Adquisicion en ARES new Acquisition system normal 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#978 10 Sep 13:45 SEÑAL PROVENIENTE DEL SISTEMA ABS_CONTROL new Start experiment normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#979 10 Sep 13:46 REINICIO new Acquisition system normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#980 10 Sep 14:22 CALIBRACION ATRs new Antennas normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#981 10 Sep 14:26 CAMBIO TR new Start experiment normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#982 10 Sep 14:45 PERDIDA DE SINCRONISMO new Acquisition system normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#983 10 Sep 14:50 PERDIDA DE SINCRONISMO new Start experiment normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#984 10 Sep 15:07 CAMBIO DE CR 2C-∅ POR CR 2A-∅ new Acquisition system normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#985 10 Sep 15:15 INICIA ADQUISICION new Start experiment normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#1393 31 Mar 17:55 Faraday's Plots new Start experiment normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1395 31 Mar 17:55 IDL program is hung new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1396 31 Mar 19:23 Power Amplifier 1 had problems new Transmitters normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1441 03 Apr 08:41 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new General normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1442 03 Apr 11:53 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new General normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1443 03 Apr 15:09 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new General normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1444 03 Apr 17:03 IDL program is hanged new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1445 03 Apr 18:10 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new General normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1561 13 May 07:35 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1562 13 May 08:36 The Transmitter goes down new Transmitters normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1563 13 May 10:19 Acquisition System was restarted new Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1564 13 May 11:10 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1565 13 May 07:35 loss of the electric power new General normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1566 13 May 11:45 Interference Signals in EEJ part new Reception normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1567 13 May 13:29 Acquisition System new Acquisition system normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1568 13 May 15:30 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1569 13 May 19:15 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Antennas normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#813 02 May 17:32 Perdio Sincronimo EWDrifts ARES new Acquisition system high 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#814 02 May 17:44 Se cuelga PC ARES new Acquisition system high 2013_04_1 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging 29/04-03/05 ISR+Imaging
#1560 13 May 07:35 The beginning of the experiment new Start experiment high 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
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