Custom Query (103 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 103)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#989 10 Sep 18:23 CALIBRACION new Spark Gaps normal 2013_09 Topside Long Pulse ISR
#1052 27 Sep 16:00 INICIA ADQUISICION PC_JARS assigned Start experiment normal 2013_09_1 ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1127 06 de Noviembre 2013 14:20 Cambio de un Transmisor new Start experiment normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#1128 06 Noviembre 2013 15:15 SE DETIENE ADQUISICION new Start experiment normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#1155 07 Ene 2014 22:13 Reincios en el sistema de adquisición new Acquisition system normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1156 08 Ene 2014 00:27 Reincios en el sistema de adquisición new Acquisition system normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1218 20 Ene 21:20 Calibración de ATRs y TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1219 20 Ene 22:40 Falla de TR en canal A new Reception normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1220 20 Ene 23:20 Falla de TR en canal A new Reception normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1222 21 Ene 01:12 Calibración de ATRs y TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1223 21 Ene 04:52 Calibración de ATRs y TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1320 26 Ene 21:05 Calibracion ATRs y TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1321 26 Ene 24:00 Calibracion ATRs y TRs new Start experiment normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1322 27 Ene 03:37 CALIBRACION ATR's Y TR's new Start experiment normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1323 27 Ene 02:15 Intercambio de Amplificadores new Reception normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1324 27 Ene 02:30 Cambio de Amplificador Canal A new Reception normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1325 27 Ene 06:34 Calibracion de los ATR's y TR's new Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1367 29 Ene 22:30 Falla programa ewdrifts new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1368 30 Ene 02:00 Falla programa ewdrifts new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1369 30 Ene 04:29 Calibracion de ATRs y TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1371 30 Ene 07:20 Se congela el Ploteo de Grafico FARADAY DP new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1397 31 Mar 21:07 Spark Gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1398 31 Mar 22:51 Power Amplifier 2 fall new Transmitters normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1399 31 Mar 23:04 Power Amplifier 2 fall new Transmitters normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1400 01 Apr 01:11 Spark Gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1401 01 Apr 05:19 Spark Gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1402 01 Apr 06:20 DP_Faraday Acquisition System stopped new Acquisition system normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1404 01 Apr 07:13 DP_Faraday Acquisition System stopped new Acquisition system normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1478 23 April 21:10 Calibration of ATRs and TRsF new Spark Gaps normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1479 23 April 21:50 Problems in the monitoring program new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1480 23 April 23:55 SYNCHRONISM LOSS IN EW_DRIFT EXPERIMENT new Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1481 23 April 23:59 IDL program is hung EW_Drift new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1482 24 April 00:20 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1483 23 Apr 23:59 plots of experiments new Plot normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1485 24 April 04:24 SYNCHRONISM LOSS IN EW_DRIFT EXPERIMENT new Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1486 24 April 04:24 SYNCHRONISM LOSS IN EW_DRIFT EXPERIMENT new Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1487 24 April 04:30 am Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR
#1524 07 May 01:48 Problems with Power Amplifier 4 new Transmitters normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR
#1525 07 May 00:09 End Imaging new Acquisition system normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR
#1526 07 May 01:45 Calibration ATRs-TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR
#1527 07 May 02:30 Problems PA4 solved new Transmitters normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR
#1610 14 May 22:33PM Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1611 15 May 02:33 Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1612 14 May 23:59 pm Figures of rtis, spectros, etc new Start experiment normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1613 15 May 06:27 AM Calibration of ATRs and TRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_05_1 MST-ISR ISR
#1651 22 Jul 22:53 Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_07 ISR Summer School ISR
#1656 04 Ago 19:36 Turn On Transmitter new Transmitters normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1657 04 Ago 20:20 Change TR of Channel A new Transmitters normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1658 04 Ago 20:24 START EXPERIMENT WITH BEACON CONNECTED new Start experiment normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1659 04 Ago 20:25 Noise level new Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1660 04 Ago 23:56 Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1661 04 Ago 23:59 Figure of Experiment Meteor new Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1662 05 Ago 00:02 Restart acquisition system new Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1663 05 Ago 00:09 Restart acquisition system new Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1664 05 Ago 00:30 Restart acquisition system new Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1665 05 Ago 01:40 The Transmitter goes down new Transmitters normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1666 05 Ago 04:51 Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1689 26 Aug 20:05 The Transmitter goes down new Transmitters normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1690 26 Aug 20:28 The Transmitter goes down new Transmitters normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1691 26 Aug 22:47 Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1692 27 Aug 02:08 Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1693 26 Aug 23:59 Figures of Experiment new Plot normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1699 22 Set 16:45 Ew_Drift + Faraday Experiments Start new Start experiment normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1719 24 Set 23:33 Spark gap adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1720 25 Set 01:05 Turn Off PC-JARS-IMAGING ACQUISITION SYSTEM new Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1721 25 Set 03:30 Spark gap adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1722 25 Set 03:34 The Transmitter goes down-FARADAY new Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1724 25 Set 05:53 The Transmitter goes down-EW_DRIFT new Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1725 25 Set 06:06 The Transmitter goes down-EW_DRIFT new Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1726 25 Set 07:18 Spark Gaps Adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1727 24 Set 23:59 Plots of Experiment new Plot normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1770 30 Sep 08:50am Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1771 30 Sep 12:00pm Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1772 30 Sep 15:00pm Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1773 30 Sep 18:00pm Spark gaps adjusment new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1805 02 Oct 21:20 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1806 03 Oct 00:23 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1807 03 Oct 03:17 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1808 03 Oct 06:10 Calibration of TRs and ATRs new Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1879 28 Nov 01:00 Imaging experiment turned off new Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR+Imaging
#1880 28 Nov 03:20am Fall of the transmitters new Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR+Imaging
#1881 28 Nov 04:00am SPARK GAPS ADJUSTMENT new Spark Gaps normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1882 27 Nov 23:59 Figures of rtis, noises and others new Plot normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1946 17 Dec 23:59 FIGURES OF EXPERIMENT new Plot normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#1948 18 Dec 07:09 Transmitter falls new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1949 18 DEC 07:30 TX On new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1950 18 DEC 07:59 Tiempo de Operacion new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2031 21 Dec 23:59 Plot of experiments new Plot normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2032 22 Dec 05:22 Desynchronization of Faraday new Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2033 22 Dec 06:18 Transmitter fall new Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2036 22 Dec 07:59 Operation resume new General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2039 06 Jan 07:05 Start of the experiment new Start experiment normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2041 06 Jan 19:15 Spark gaps adjustment new Spark Gaps normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2042 06 Jan 15:20 VIPIR turned on new Antennas normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2044 06 Jan 17:40 Digisonde turned on new Antennas normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2050 06 Jan 20:00 Operation resume new General normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2069 09 Jan 09:32 Transmitter fall new Transmitters normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2070 09 Jan 10:37 Transmitter fall new Transmitters normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2071 09 Jan 19:32 Spark gaps adjustement new Spark Gaps normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2072 09 Jan 20:00 Operation resume new General normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
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