Custom Query (1986 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 1986)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Owner: I. Manay (63 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#1409 01 Apr 19:35 Re-starting the pc of ew_drift experiment Acquisition system normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1447 03 Apr 22:20 spark gaps adjustment Spark Gaps normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1449 03 Apr 23:30 Re-starting acquisition of the Faraday experiment Acquisition system normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1450 03 Apr 23:57 Re-starting acquisition of the Faraday experiment Acquisition system normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1451 03 Apr 23:59 plots of experiments Plot normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1455 04 Apr 07:49 Re-starting acquisition of the Faraday experiment Acquisition system normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1458 09 Apr 13:30 Experiment data to PUMA General normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1500 25 Apr 11:47 Restart of EW_drift acquisition system Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1501 25 Apr 12:25 Restart of EW_drift acquisition system Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1504 25 Apr 14:15 Change of the attenuation at the B channel Reception normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1505 25 Apr 15:34 Restart of EW_drift acquisition system Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1510 05 May 17:15 Start of the experiment Start experiment normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1511 05 May 17:30 Restart of Faraday experiment Reception normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1512 05 May 17:55 Change of the attenuation Reception normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1513 05 May 18:00 Start of the Imaging experiment Acquisition system normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1514 05 May 19:16 Restart of Faraday acquisition Acquisition system normal 2014_05 Imaging+ISR ISR+Imaging
#1710 23 Sep 20:10 Spark gap adjustments Spark Gaps normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1711 23 Sep 23:59 ew_drift, faraday and imaging plots Plot normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1714 24 Sep 04:30 1dB attenuation to the ew_drift channel A Reception normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1715 24 Sep 07:55 Drop at reception lines of ew_drift and faraday experiments Reception normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1743 26 Sep 14:30 Pass of the moon started at 14:00 Physical Phenomena normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1745 26 Sep 18:15 Imaging experiment starts Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1760 29 Sep 11:00 Saving data in PUMA General normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1775 30 Sep 22:51 Acquisition system was restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1776 01 Oct 00:01 Acquisition and processing programs were restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1778 01 Oct 02:20 MST plots Plot normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1779 01 Oct 02:22 ISR plots Plot normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1780 01 Oct 02:23 EEJ plots Plot normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1781 01 Oct 02:45 Acquisition and processing programs were restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1784 01 Oct 06:49 Acquisition and processing programs were restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1846 25 Nov 09:18 Fall of the transmitters Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1847 25 Nov 09:40 Fall of the transmitters Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1849 25 Nov 12:04 Restart of the Faraday acquisition system Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1871 27 Nov 15:40 Interferences at B channel of ew_drift experiment Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1873 27 Nov 17:08 End of the moon pass General normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1874 27 Nov 17:45 Imaging experiment has started Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1875 27 Nov 18:25 PC of ew_drift experiment was restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1888 15 Dec 17:08 Interference observed at EW_drift experiment Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#1889 15 Dec 17:48 Imaging experiment was started Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#1892 15 Dec 19:23 Transmitter failure Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#1893 15 Dec 19:59 Operation time General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2000 19 Dec 23:59 Plot of experiments Plot normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2001 20 Dec 01:00 Imaging experiment is stopped Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2002 20 Dec 01:02 ew_drift acquisition system is restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2004 20 Dec 07:59 Operation Resume General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2024 21 Dec 08:11 faraday experiment was restarted Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2025 21 Dec 17:52 Imaging experiment is started Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2026 21 Dec 18:45 Transmitters went up Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2029 21 Dec 19:59 Operation resume General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2057 07 Jan 23:59 Experiment plots Plot normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2059 08 Jan 01:00 Transmitters dropped Transmitters normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2063 08 Jan 07:59 Operation resume General normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#1497 25 Apr 08:30 Restart of the experiment Break Experiment high 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1498 25 Apr 10:00 2nd restart of the experiment Start experiment high 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1503 25 Apr 14:00 Problems with a TR of the EW_Drift experiment (A channel) Reception high 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1507 25 Apr 16:50 Interference at the Faraday channels Plot high 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1845 25 Nov 09:00 Only EW Drift on General high 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1848 25 Nov 11:30 Faraday on - ISR Complete General high 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1861 24 Nov 19:30 Start of the experiment Start experiment high 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1869 27 Nov 10:40 Experiment was restarted General high 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1887 15 Dec 16:40 Start of the experiment Start experiment high 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR+Imaging
#2058 08 Jan 00:50 Problem with transmitters Transmitters high 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2074 22 Jan 12:30 Data was uploaded to PUMA General high 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR+Imaging

Owner: I.Manay (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#28 19:40 cambio de turno Plot normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR JRO Staff
#29 20:38 calibración ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR JRO Staff
#41 03:51 No ploteo en EW+Drifts Plot normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR JRO Staff

Owner: imanay (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#1147 07 Ene 2014 07:40 Se inicia experimento Start experiment normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1149 07 Ene 2014 13:43 Reincios en el sistema de adquisición Acquisition system normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1153 07 Ene 2014 19:21 Sin Tx Reception normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1206 10 Ene 2014 08:50 Calibración de ATR's y TR's Spark Gaps normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1207 10 Ene 2014 10:25 Se reinició la adquisición Acquisition system normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1208 10 Ene 2014 12:00 Calibración de ATR's y TR's Spark Gaps normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1209 10 Ene 14:00 2014 Interferencias Plot normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1211 10 Ene 18:00 2014 Fin de experimento End experiment normal 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1216 20 Ene 18:40 Reinicio interfase de monitoreo Plot normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1275 24 Ene 00:18 Faraday Plots Plot normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1276 24 Ene 00:23 EW_drift Plots Plot normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1296 25 Ene 15:00 Se repone experimento después de mantenimiento en ues Antennas normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1349 29 Ene 00:01 Plots de experimento Plot normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1372 30 Ene 10:35 Reinicio pc de 3 monitores Plot normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1373 30 Ene 11:00 Reinicio de IDL (EW_drift) Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1376 30 Ene 17:00 Reinicio de procesamiento de EW_drift:IDL Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1379 30 Ene 19:50 Calibracion de ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1385 31 Ene 08:00 Fin de experimento End experiment normal 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1462 22 Apr 14:10 Drop at the channel A of Faraday experiment Transmitters normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1463 22 Apr 15:00 spark gaps adjusment Spark Gaps normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1464 22 Apr 15:55 Problems with Faraday acquisition system Acquisition system normal 2014_04_ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1647 22 Jul 13:00 EW_Drift + Faraday starts Start experiment normal 2014_07 ISR Summer School ISR
#1685 26 Aug 16:20 Ew_drift + Faraday experiment starts Start experiment normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1686 26 Aug 18:00 vipir system was turned off Reception normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1687 26 Aug 19:20 Spark gaps adjusment Spark Gaps normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1695 27 Aug 09:20 Data were uploaded to PUMA General normal 2014_08_1 EWDrift + Faraday AMISR School ISR
#1215 20 Ene 16:46 Inicio de experimento (Ver manual) Start experiment high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1217 20 Ene 21:20 Reinicio de experimento Start experiment high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1293 25 Ene 08:00 Atenuación 1dB canal A de Faraday Reception high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1295 25 Ene 13:40 Se repone experimento Break Experiment high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1351 29 Ene 04:40 Falla en TXs General high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR
#1377 30 Ene 18:30 Manual de experimento General high 2014_01 MST-ISR + EEJ ISR
#1386 31 Ene 17:50 Copia de datos a PUMA General high 2014_01_EWDrift + Faraday SSW Jan 22 - 31 ISR

Owner: Ing. Otto (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#170 17:10 Se detiene experimento para colocar bomba de agua Transmitters critical 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR Others
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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