Custom Query (1986 matches)


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Results (901 - 1000 of 1986)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Owner: P. Condor (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#1728 25 Set 08:10 Restart EW_Drifts Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1729 25 Set 09:10 Restart Faraday Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1750 27 Set 03:15 Stop Imaging Acquisition system normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1751 26 Set 23:59 Figures of noise, rtis and others Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1752 27 Set 04:00 Calibration of ATR and TR Antennas normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1753 27 Set 03:20 Figures of Imaging Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1755 27 Set 06:30 Fall of Tx Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1756 27 Set 06:56 Tx On Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1757 27 Set 07:09 Tx Off Transmitters normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1759 27 Set 08:00 End and figures End experiment normal 2014_09 ISR + Imaging ISR
#1765 29 Set 23:59 Figures of spectra and rti Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1800 02 Oct 17:35 Change of Hard disk en JARS Acquisition system normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1801 02 Oct 17:40 Restart Acquition and processing Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_09 MST + ISR + EEJ ISR
#1852 26 Nov 00:00 Figures of rtis, noises and others Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1853 26 Nov 02:13 Imaging Off Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1856 26 Nov 05:45 Restart Faraday Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1858 26 Nov 07:28 Problem with Driver 1 screen Transmitters normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1859 26 Nov 07:30 Batch of Faraday restart Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1860 26 Nov 07:37 Restart Faraday Batch Acquisition system normal 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR
#1894 15 Dec 21:20 Digisonde every 5 min Other Instruments normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1895 15 Dec 22:05 Noise Channel D-EW_Drifts rises more of 2 db Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1896 15 Dec 22:08 Falls Transmitter of EW_Drifts Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1898 15 Dec 22:17 Change of TR of channel D Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1899 15 Dec 23:59 Figures of rtis and others Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1900 15 Dec 23:59 Figures of Imaging Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1901 16 Dec 00:56 End of Imaging Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1902 16 Dec 00:00 Figures Faraday Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1905 16 Dec 06:15 Spark Gap adjustment Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1906 16 Dec 06:55 Noise channel D of EW_drifts low 2 db Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1907 16 Dec 08:00 Operation Resume Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1908 16 Dec 07:22 Channel D is OK. Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1909 16 Dec 07:33 Desincrozation Faraday Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1910 16 Dec 08:00 Operation Time General normal ISR
#1976 18 Dec 20:50 Ch D Imaging has low noise Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1977 18 Dec 21:00 Calibration of ATRs and TRs Antennas normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1978 18 Dec 23:00 Ch D Imaging has normal level of noise Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1979 18 Dec 23:36 Desynchronization of Faraday Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1980 18 Dec 23:59 Plots of rtis,etc Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1983 19 Dec 02:00 Imaging off Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1984 19 Dec 03:10 Transmitter Fall Transmitters normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1985 19 Dec 03:40 Pc of Faraday standby Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1986 19 Dec 03:48 Restart Faraday Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1988 19 Dec 05:40 Change of TR of Ch A -EW_Drifts Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#1990 19 Dec 07:59 Operation Resume General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2016 20 Dec 22:40 Change of TR of Ch C EWDrifts Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2017 21 Dec 00:05 Attenuation of 1 dB for Ch D EW_Drifts Reception normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2018 20 Dec 23:59 Plots of rtis, etc Process/Analysis Program normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2019 21 Dec 04:30 Turn off Imaging Acquisition system normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2021 21 Dec 07:59 Operation resume General normal 2014_12 ISCOD Northern Deeper Winter Dic 15-22 ISR
#2046 06 Jan 23:59 Plots rtis and spectras Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2049 07 Jan 07:59 Operation resume General normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2065 08 Jan 23:59 Figures of rtis and spectras Process/Analysis Program normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#2068 09 Jan 08:00 Operation resume General normal 2015_01 MST+ISR+EEJ ISR
#1868 27 Nov 08:36 Transmitter OFF Transmitters high 2014_11 ISR + Imaging Nov 24-28 ISR

Owner: P. Condor P. (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#174 14-01-12 21:04 Caida de Tension Transmitters normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#176 14-01-12 22:08 Ajuste de Chisperos Antennas normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#177 14-01-12 23:20 Ajuste de Chisperos Antennas normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#178 15-01-12 01:08 Ajuste de Chisperos Antennas normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#179 15-01-12 03:30 Ajuste de Chisperos Antennas normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#180 15-01-12 05:30 Ajuste de Chisperos Antennas normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#181 15-01-12 07:13 Ajuste de Chisperos Antennas normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#182 15-01-12 Plots Process/Analysis Program normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff

Owner: P.Condor (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#375 01:54 Se inicia todo Acquisition system normal 2012_06 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD Campaign ISR JRO Staff
#1412 01 Apr 21:21 Difference in Noise of Ch A and B is more of 2 db Reception normal 2014_03 ISCOD HLStormtime ISR
#1671 04 Ago 19:34 Noise channels after revision channels D,E, and F Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1673 04 Ago 20:20 TR Ch A is changed Reception normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1674 04 Ago 20:24 Beacon is connected Acquisition system normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR
#1675 05 Ago 07:30 Ch E noise is low Antennas normal 2014_08 Meteors Aug 05 ISR

Owner: Percy Condor (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#118 Grafica 29-11-2011 Plot normal 2011_11 1 ISCOD Campaign Nov 28 - Dic 01 ISR JRO Staff
#126 04:33 Perdio Sincronismo Process/Analysis Program normal 2011_11 1 ISCOD Campaign Nov 28 - Dic 01 ISR JRO Staff
#239 Graficas de RTI, Drifts Process/Analysis Program normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff

Owner: R Abad (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#406 08:41 06 set 2012 Perdio Sincronismo Acquisition system major 2012_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 04-07 ISR

Owner: R Yaya (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#626 21 Mar 10:50 Problemas transmisores Spark Gaps normal 2013_03 DriftHighAltitude ISR

Owner: R. Abad (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#274 09:35 Caida de tension Transmitters normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff
#342 15:17 Reinicio de adquisicion de datos PC RADAR Acquisition system normal 2012_06 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD Campaign ISR JRO Staff
#343 15:31 Reinicio de adquisicion de datos PC RADAR Acquisition system normal 2012_06 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD Campaign ISR JRO Staff
#344 15:44 Reinicia adquisicion de datos PC RADAR Acquisition system normal 2012_06 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD Campaign ISR JRO Staff
#628 11 Abr 17:09 Inicio del experimento ISR+Imaging Start experiment normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging Others
#629 11 Abr 17:55 Problemas en TXs Transmitters normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#631 11 Abr 18:30 Se cuelga la adquisición PC ARES (EW_Drift) Acquisition system normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#632 11 Abr 18:33 Se reinicia la adquisición de datos, EW_Drift (PC ARES) Acquisition system normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#633 11 Abr 18:56 Se apagó transmisores Transmitters normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#634 11 Abr 18:58 Se prende transmisores Acquisition system normal 2013_04 EW_Drift+Faraday+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1140 07 Nov 10:50 Se reinicia adquisici'on en PC ARES Acquisition system normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#1141 07 Nov 13:32 FIN DE EXPERIMENTO ISR (EW_DRIFT+FARADAY) End experiment normal 2013_11 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD ISR
#243 11:15 Se detecta X-Ray Solar Flares General major 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff

Owner: R. Tadeo (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#241 08:28 Caida de tension Transmitters normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR JRO Staff

Owner: Rafael tadeo (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#340 12:03 Caida Transmisor Transmitters normal 2012_06 EWDrift + Faraday ISCOD Campaign ISR JRO Staff

Owner: Rita Abad (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Version
#13 10:03 Problemas transmisores Transmitters normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR Others
#16 10:51 Problemas transmisores Transmitters normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR Others
#19 14:12 crowbar failure Transmitters normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR Others
#25 17:23 Problemas transmisores Transmitters normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR Others
#90 15:00 FIN EW_DRIFT+FARADAY End experiment normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR Others
#97 14:30-16:30 Test de experimento EW DRIFT + FARADAY General normal 2011_09 ISCOD Campaign Sep 21-23 ISR Others
#129 10:40 Calibraci'on ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2011_11 1 ISCOD Campaign Nov 28 - Dic 01 ISR Others
#130 13:40 Calibraci'on ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2011_11 1 ISCOD Campaign Nov 28 - Dic 01 ISR Others
#171 18:55 Se reinicia experimento Start experiment normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR Others
#184 10:56 Calibracion de ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR Others
#185 13:38 Calibracion ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR Others
#186 15:50 Calibracion ATRs y TRs Spark Gaps normal 2012_01 ISCOD Campaign Jan 12-23 ISR Others
(more results for this group on next page)
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.