Custom Query (22 matches)


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Status: new (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1699 22 Set 16:45 Ew_Drift + Faraday Experiments Start AValdez Start experiment normal
#1710 23 Sep 20:10 Spark gap adjustments I. Manay Spark Gaps normal
#1711 23 Sep 23:59 ew_drift, faraday and imaging plots I. Manay Plot normal
#1712 24 Sep 01:28 Spark gap adjustments A. Belleza Spark Gaps normal
#1713 24 Sep 04:12 Spark gap adjusment A. Belleza Spark Gaps normal
#1714 24 Sep 04:30 1dB attenuation to the ew_drift channel A I. Manay Reception normal
#1715 24 Sep 07:55 Drop at reception lines of ew_drift and faraday experiments I. Manay Reception normal
#1719 24 Set 23:33 Spark gap adjusment AValdez Spark Gaps normal
#1720 25 Set 01:05 Turn Off PC-JARS-IMAGING ACQUISITION SYSTEM AValdez Acquisition system normal
#1721 25 Set 03:30 Spark gap adjusment AValdez Spark Gaps normal
#1722 25 Set 03:34 The Transmitter goes down-FARADAY AValdez Transmitters normal
#1724 25 Set 05:53 The Transmitter goes down-EW_DRIFT AValdez Transmitters normal
#1725 25 Set 06:06 The Transmitter goes down-EW_DRIFT AValdez Transmitters normal
#1726 25 Set 07:18 Spark Gaps Adjusment AValdez Spark Gaps normal
#1727 24 Set 23:59 Plots of Experiment AValdez Plot normal
#1741 26 Sep 08:22 Spark gap adjustments W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal
#1742 26 Sep 12:11 Spark gap adjustments W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal
#1743 26 Sep 14:30 Pass of the moon started at 14:00 I. Manay Physical Phenomena normal
#1744 26 Sep 16:08 Spark-gap adjusments W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal
#1745 26 Sep 18:15 Imaging experiment starts I. Manay Acquisition system normal
#1747 26 Sep 19:50 Spark gap adjustments W. Rojas Spark Gaps normal
#1760 29 Sep 11:00 Saving data in PUMA I. Manay General normal
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