2021_01 January 2nd - Test experiment January 3rd to January 11th - ISCOD experiment
Mode: Hybrid
Del 29 de agosto al 02 de setiembre Usuarios locales:
- P.Condor (EWDrifts)
- R.Flores (Faraday)
- I.Manay (Imagenes)
- V.Vasquez (HF)
- J.Apaza (AMISR)
Las prioridades del experimento son:
- ISR+ Imaging
- Procesar ISR (verificar y subir a Madrigal)
- Procesar Imaging (generar los espectros y subirlos al servidor de Hysell)
- HF
- Procesar HF (verificar y subirlos al servidor de Hysell)
Las pruebas del experimento se realizarán el jueves 25 de agosto en donde haremos pruebas con 2 IPPs (1000km y 937.5km) Si todo sale bien con el de 937.5km entonces pondremos en paralelo a AMISR.
P.Condor (EWDrifts) I.Manay (150km + ESF + Imagenes) J.Apaza (AMISR) R.Flores (EEJ Oblicuas)
Nuevo modo de operación con drivers ATRAD
Milestone: 2022_10 SOLAR
No date set
Objetivo: Verificar estado de la antena principal haciendo uso del sol para poder ver el apunte de cada cuarto de antena.
Usuario: I.Manay, K.Kuyeng
Objective: Obtain dirfts between 500 to 800 km
User: B.Fejer, L.Navarro Local User: P.Condor
Mode: High Altitude Drifts
Local User: R.Flores, J.Apaza User: M.Milla, Sevag
Mode: High Altitude Echoes
Local User: P.Condor External User: C.Valladares Mode: MST-Winds (only during daytime)
User: R.Flores
local user: R.Flores / P.Condor / I.Manay
SOlar Rx Objective: check the status of the antenna
- Obtain F region densities to calibrate D region densities
- Obtain messopheric echoes
User: E.Kudeki
User: L.Navarro / B.Fejer Local user: P.Condor
Objective: observe drifts at high altitudes, up to 800km or above.
- User: R.Flores
User: D.Hysell Duration: 3-day run
Mode: Hybrid
Organizador: Jicamarca mode
- User: P. Condor, R.Flores, E.Manay
User: Selvaraj Dharmalingam Duration: 5-day run
Mode: ISR + Imaging
- User: E.Manay
User: J.Urbina Duration: 3-day run
Mode: Meteors
Local User: R.Flores User: C. Swenson, D. Hysell Mode: DP Faraday
Satellite passes: 10 july 2023 20:35:13 LT 12 july 2023 19:51:44 LT 14 july 2023 19:07:39 LT
Usuario local: P.Condor, R.Flores, J.Apaza Usuario: D.Hysell
Obtención de parámetros de la ionósfera e imágenes de ESF.
- User: P.Condor
User: B.Fejer, L.Navarro
Duration: 4-day run
Mode: High Altitude Drifts
Organizador: Jicamarca mode
User Descending Layers: Selvaraj Dharmalingam User CONGS-23: Shun-Rong Zhang
- User: P. Condor, R.Flores, E.Manay
Mode: ISR + Imaging
Local user: E.Manay Objective:
Obtain F region densities to calibrate D region densities Obtain messopheric echoes User: E.Kudeki
User: F. Rodrigues Local User: R.Flores, J.Apaza
Objective: Obtain electron densities with the main radar and AMISR-14
User: J.Urbina Local User: E.Manay
- Coordination and analysis of global meteor head echo measurements
- GEMINIDs meteor shower measurements
- Simultaneous dual frequency meteor head echo measurements - adding to existing limited database
Radars: PANSY, MAARSY, EISCAT UHF, potentially Jicamarca & potentially MU
Dates and Times: 0:00 UTC December 14 - 23:59 UTC December 15 (48 hours) 19:00 LT December 13th - 18:59 LT December 15th
Obtain F region densities to calibrate D region densities Obtain messopheric echoes User: E.Kudeki
SSW Dynamics
Requester: Goncharenko
Local user: P.Condor / R.Flores / E.Manay Mode: ISR+Imaging
Primary Parameters to Measure, including requested time resolution: Electron density, electron and ion temperatures from lowest possible altitude throughout the F-region. Temporal resolution can be sacrificed and data integration period increased in order to obtain data at lower altitudes.
Secondary Parameters to Measure: Zonal and meridional components of neutral wind in the lower thermosphere (95-140km), ExB drift, F-region meridional wind.
- User: R.Flores,J.Apaza
User: F.Rodrigues
Duration: 4-day run
Organizador: Jicamarca mode
User: A.Green Local User: E.Manay, J.Apaza
User: M.Milla Local User: P.Condor, R.FLores, J.Apaza
User: E.Kudeki Local User: E.Manay, K.Kuyeng
User: T.Hedges Local user: E.Manay, A.Valdez/K.Kuyeng Perpendicular to B. Main Radar: 8 rx channels (3 quartes down, 3 modules down, 1 quartes up, 1 dir coupler sampling) Amisr: 1 rx channel pointing perpendicular to B
Milestone: 2024_06_06 New modes with ABS
No date set
Using ABS to switch between Drifts and Faraday
Local Users:E.Manay, J.Rojas , K.Rodriguez, R.Flores, P.Condor
Objective: Obtain dirfts between 500 to 800 km
User: B.Fejer, L.Navarro Local User: P.Condor
Mode: High Altitude Drifts
Local user: R.Flores / C.Portilla
Requester: Kaeppler
Primary Parameters to Measure, including requested time resolution: F-region electron density is the primary measurement with < 5 minute time resolution
Secondary Parameters to Measure: Plasma line electron density measurements. Other typical ISR state parameters, including ion temperature, LOS velocities.
User: E.Manay, J.Rojas, P.Condor, R.Flores/C.Portilla, K.Kuyeng
Mode: All Mode (Drifts an Faraday with whole antenna using ABS switching between modes)
Local User: E.Manay / K.Kuyeng
Objective: Obtain Sun echoes
User: D.Hysell
Local User: E.Manay
Objective: Obtain F region densities to calibrate D region densities Obtain messopheric echoes
User: E.Kudeki
Local User: P.Condor, I.Manay, C.Portilla
Requester: Goncharenko A 10-day campaign on alert basis is requested, with alert window Dec 15 – Feb 15. The decision to start will be based on predictions of stratospheric conditions. In the case of no anomalous stratospheric conditions (strong polar vortex or sudden stratospheric warming event), the World Day will revert to a 5‐day run at the end of the alert period, 9‐14 February. There should be one week's notice for the alert
Primary Parameters to Measure, including requested time resolution:
Electron density, electron and ion temperatures from lowest possible altitude throughout the F-region. Temporal resolution can be sacrificed and data integration period increased in order to obtain data at lower altitudes.
Secondary Parameters to Measure:
Zonal and meridional components of neutral wind in the lower thermosphere (95-140km), ExB drift, F-region meridional wind.
Requested radars
PFISR, RISR-N, RISR-C, EISCAT (mainland and Svalbard), Millstone Hill, Jicamarca, Kharkiv, QJISR, and PANSY
User: E.Manay, J.Rojas, P.Condor, R.Flores/C.Portilla, K.Kuyeng
Mode: All Mode (Drifts an Faraday with whole antenna using ABS switching between modes)
Milestone: 2025_03 MST
No date set
User: C.Valladares Local user: E.Manay, R. Flores
Objective: Obtaining mesospheric echoes Tx: medium power transmitters