Custom Query (46 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#22 01 05 06:06 Imaging OFF assigned kkuyeng normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#46 01 07 06:02 Imaging off new kkuyeng normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#94 01 11 06:00 Imaging off new somebody normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#97 01 11 08:00 Operation Resume (End Experiment) new kkuyeng normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#189 03 25 18:50 End of the experiment new I. Manay normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#229 04 29 09:10 End of the experiment new I. Manay normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#240 06 09 06:00 End Experiment new k.kuyeng normal 2021_06 HAE ISR
#262 06 12 06:00 End experiment new K.Kuyeng normal 2021_06 HAE ISR
#306 06 26 08:00 Stop experiment new kkuyeng normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#312 06 27 16:00 Stop experiment new J. Rojas normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#395 09 26 08:00 End experiment new R. Flores normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#579 11 09 17:10 End of MST experiment new I. Manay normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#603 01 21 06:20 Stop experiment because of incident new somebody normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8) ISR
#616 01 23 08:00 End of Valley8 Experiment new R. Flores normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8) ISR
#736 04 04 08:00 End of ISCOD Experiment new R. Flores normal 2022_03 ISCOD ISR+Imaging
#773 04 10 18:00 End Of Experiment new abelleza normal 2022_04 ICON ISR
#872 09 02 06:01 Imaging Off new R. Flores normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#876 09 02 08:00 Experiment End new R. Flores normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#921 11 05 23:45 Operation Resume new somebody normal 2022_11 HAD ISR
#934 11 09 17:20 End experiment new P. Condor normal 2022_11 MST ISR
#947 11 11 17:20 End experiment new R. Flores normal 2022_11 MST ISR
#951 11 14 17:00 End experiment new J. Rojas normal 2022_11 Valley9 ISR
#983 11 18 08:00 End Experiment new R. Flores normal 2022_11 Valley9 ISR
#1017 11 25 08:03 End Experiment new abelleza normal 2022_11 High Altitude Ehoes ISR
#1026 01 17 22:00 End experiment new R. Flores normal 2023_01 EEJImaging Other Instruments
#1142 02 23 18:00 End experiment new P. Condor normal 2023_02 Valley9 ISR
#1201 06 07 08:00 Experiment stopped new J. Rojas normal 2023_06 Meteors ISR
#1237 06 15 08:00 End of Experiment new R. Flores normal 2023_06 Hybrid ISR
#1306 06 24 08:00 End of the experiment new J. Rojas normal 2023_06 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#1318 07 17 17:00 End Experiment new R. Flores normal 2023_07 SPORT Support ISR
#1336 09 05 06:12 Imaging experiment stopped new J. Rojas normal 2023_08 ISR+Imaging+AMISR14 ISR+Imaging
#1366 09 07 06:00 Imaging Off new R. Flores normal 2023_08 ISR+Imaging+AMISR14 ISR+Imaging
#1411 09 15 08:00 End of Experiment new R. Flores normal 2023_09 High Altitude Drifts ISR
#1473 09 26 08:00 End Experiment new R. Flores normal 2023_09 ISCOD ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1501 10 05 08:00 Experiment stopped new J. Rojas normal 2023_10 Valley9 ISR
#1530 11 09 08:00 End Experiment new R. Flores normal 2023_11_DPFaraday + AMISR-14 ISR
#1531 11 07 20:00 Operation Resume new avaldez normal 2023_11_DPFaraday + AMISR-14 ISR
#1552 12 15 19:00 Operation Resume new AVALDEZ normal 2023_12 Meteors ISR
#1565 02 16 06:32 Imaging OFF new somebody normal 2024_02 ISCOD ISR+Imaging
#1576 02 17 06:05 Imaging OFF new R. Flores normal 2024_02 ISCOD ISR+Imaging
#1599 02 19 07:00 Imaging OFF new somebody normal 2024_02 ISCOD ISR+Imaging
#1605 02 19 08:00 ISCOD End experiment new somebody normal 2024_02 ISCOD ISR+Imaging
#1653 03 23 08:00 End of Experiment new R. Flores normal 2024_03 Oblique+AMISR-14 ISR
#1733 06 11 08:00 Operation Resumen new M. DeLaCruz normal 2024_06 Meteors-HeadEchoe (MainRadar+AMISR-14) ISR
#1797 09 08 08:05 End Experiment new abelleza normal 2024_09 ISCOD - Faraday ISR
#1894 10 04 08:05 End Experiment new K. Rodriguez normal 2024_10 Valley9 ISR
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.