Custom Query (1910 matches)


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Results (1901 - 1910 of 1910)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1907 10 26 12:11 Transmitter Report new somebody Transmitter normal 2024_10 SOLAR
#1908 10 27 12:00 Transmitter Report new somebody Start Experiment normal
#1909 10 27 11:05 Spark gap adjustments new A. Huamani Spark gaps normal 2024_10 SOLAR
#1910 10 27 13:10 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2024_10 SOLAR
#1911 10 27 11:02 Change to TX high resolution new J. Rojas General normal 2024_10 SOLAR
#1912 10 27 11:58 Change to RX high resolution new J. Rojas General normal 2024_10 SOLAR
#1913 10 27 13:16 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2024_10 SOLAR
#441 10 09 06:09 Transmision detention new A. Coronado, R. Tadeo Antenna high 2021_10 HAD
#586 01 18 19:53 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter high 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#1031 01 23 20:00 AMISR new somebody General high 2023_01 High Altitude Echoes
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.