Custom Query (180 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 180)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#16 01 04 09:33 vipir adjustment new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#19 01 04 19:33 plots new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#20 01 04 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#51 01 07 11:24 vipir high resolution test with 3,000Km ipp new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#52 01 04 17:50 Imaging experiment started new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#53 01 07 17:37 Experiment imaging started new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#55 01 07 19:20 plots new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#56 01 07 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#76 01 09 17:50 Imaging experiment started new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#77 01 09 19:15 plots new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#79 01 09 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021 ISCOD (ISR+Imaging) ISR+Imaging
#156 03 22 09:10 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#157 03 22 10:50 Experiment re-started new General normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#159 03 22 18:10 plots new General normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#161 03 22 18:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#186 03 25 18:30 plots new General normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#188 03 25 18:45 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#189 03 25 18:50 End of the experiment new End Experiment normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#191 03 26 08:30 Data uploaded to PUMA new General normal 2021_03 COSMIC ISR
#198 04 26 10:45 Start of experiment new Start Experiment normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#199 04 26 13:55 Experiment re-started new Transmitter normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#201 04 26 18:50 Plots new General normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#202 04 26 18:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#229 04 29 09:10 End of the experiment new End Experiment normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#230 04 29 11:00 Data uploaded to PUMA new General normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#232 04 29 09:00 Plots new General normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#234 04 29 09:10 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_04 HAE ISR
#263 06 22 09:33 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#264 06 22 13:00 Restarts of acquisition new Acquisition system normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#265 06 22 19:00 Plots new General normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#266 06 22 16:50 Pulse changes at the Oblique experiment new General normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#268 06 22 19:50 Operation Resume new Start Experiment normal 2021_06 EWDrifts + Oblique ISR
#314 08 23 16:45 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_08 MLT ISR
#316 08 23 19:33 Plots new General normal 2021_08 MLT ISR
#317 08 23 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_08 MLT ISR
#345 09 21 08:40 ISR_Imaging started new Start Experiment normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#347 09 21 17:44 Experiment test new General normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#348 09 21 17:44 Experiment test new General normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#349 09 21 17:45 Imaging experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#350 09 21 19:10 Plots new General normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#352 09 21 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#376 09 24 19:00 Plots new General normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#379 09 24 12:45 Transmitters re-started new Transmitter normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#380 09 24 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_09 ISCOD + AFOSR ISR+Imaging
#397 10 05 10:30 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_10 HAD ISR
#399 10 05 19:00 plots new General normal 2021_10 HAD ISR
#400 10 05 12:40 Drop of transmitters new Transmitter normal 2021_10 HAD ISR
#401 10 05 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_10 HAD ISR
#446 10 18 11:10 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_10 HAE ISR
#447 10 18 12:20 Experiment re-started new Transmitter normal 2021_10 HAE ISR
#449 10 18 19:00 plots new General normal 2021_10 HAE ISR
#450 10 18 19:50 Operation resume new General normal 2021_10 HAE ISR
#477 10 21 19:10 plots new General normal 2021_10 HAE ISR
#478 10 21 19:50 Operation resume new General normal 2021_10 HAE ISR
#547 11 03 18:00 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#548 11 03 19:10 plots new General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#549 11 03 20:00 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#575 11 09 08:30 Start of MST experiment new Start Experiment normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#577 11 09 16:50 Plots new General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#578 11 09 17:10 Operation Resume new General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#579 11 09 17:10 End of MST experiment new End Experiment normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST ISR
#582 01 18 07:10 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8) ISR
#583 01 18 19:00 plots new General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8) ISR
#585 01 18 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8) ISR
#618 01 25 17:11 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2022_01 New_HAE ISR
#621 01 25 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_01 New_HAE ISR
#638 02 12 11:00 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx ISR
#639 02 14 08:00 Plots new General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx ISR
#640 02 14 08:30 Experiment manual new General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx ISR
#641 02 14 08:30 Experiment manual new General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx ISR
#642 02 15 15:00 Plots new General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx ISR
#644 03 07 08:30 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2022_03 MLT-X ISR+Imaging
#646 03 07 12:30 Change at transmitters pulse new Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X ISR+Imaging
#648 03 07 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_03 MLT-X ISR+Imaging
#738 04 11 08:10 Start of the experiment new Start Experiment normal 2022_04 ICON ISR
#741 04 11 18:50 Plots new General normal 2022_04 ICON ISR
#742 04 11 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_04 ICON ISR
#775 06 21 09:10 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#776 06 21 13:40 Drop at C channel of EW_Drifts experiment new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#777 06 21 16:00 Checking of Oblique array new Antenna normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#778 06 21 17:20 Drop at C channel of EW_Drifts experiment new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#779 06 21 19:00 Plots new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#782 06 21 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#788 06 22 15:55 Reception fail at A channel of EW_Drifts experiment new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#790 06 22 19:00 Plots new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#792 06 22 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km) ISR
#830 08 29 08:15 Experiment started new Start Experiment normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#831 08 29 15:00 Fails of the transmitters new General normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#832 08 29 17:25 Imaging started new Start Experiment normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#834 08 29 19:30 Plots new General normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#835 08 29 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_08 ISR+Imaging + HF ISR+Imaging
#900 11 03 19:00 Plots new General normal 2022_11 HAD ISR
#903 11 03 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_11 HAD ISR
#998 11 23 16:30 Experiment restarted new General normal 2022_11 High Altitude Ehoes ISR
#1000 11 23 19:20 Plots new General normal 2022_11 High Altitude Ehoes ISR
#1001 11 23 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2022_11 High Altitude Ehoes ISR
#1081 01 30 10:02 Experiment re-started new General normal 2023_01 ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1082 01 30 17:50 Imaging experiment started new General normal 2023_01 ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1085 01 30 19:15 Plots new General normal 2023_01 ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
#1086 01 30 19:50 Operation Resume new General normal 2023_01 ISR+Imaging ISR+Imaging
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