Custom Query (36 matches)


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Status: assigned (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#749 04 12 19:30 Spark gap adjustments kkuyeng Spark gaps normal ISR
#750 04 12 19:30 Plots kkuyeng General normal ISR

Status: new (34 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#737 04 07 15:00 Antenna measurements W. Rojas Antenna normal ISR
#738 04 11 08:10 Start of the experiment I. Manay Start Experiment normal ISR
#739 04 11 18:30 Spark gap adjustments J. Lavado Spark gaps normal ISR
#740 11 04 19:00 Transmitter Report vquesada Transmitter normal ISR
#741 04 11 18:50 Plots I. Manay General normal ISR
#742 04 11 19:50 Operation Resume I. Manay General normal ISR
#743 04 11 23:59 Plots abelleza General normal ISR
#744 12 04 07:25 Transmitter report ryaya Transmitter normal ISR
#745 04 12 06:59 Spark gap adjustments abelleza Spark gaps normal ISR
#746 04 12 07:45 Plots abelleza General normal ISR
#747 04 12 07:50 Operation Resume abelleza General normal ISR
#748 12 04 19:00 Transmitter Report vquesada Transmitter normal ISR
#751 04 12 23:59 Plots J. Rojas General normal ISR
#752 13 04 07:20 Transmitter report ryaya Transmitter normal ISR
#753 04 13 07:25 Plots J. Rojas General normal ISR
#754 04 13 07:30 Spark gap adjustments W. Rojas Spark gaps normal ISR
#756 04 12 19:30 Operation Resume kkuyeng General normal ISR
#757 04 13 18:25 Noise levels P. Condor General normal ISR
#758 04 13 18:05 Spark gaps adjustment A. Huamani Spark gaps normal ISR
#759 04 13 19:15 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#760 04 13 20:00 Operation Resume P. Condor General normal ISR
#761 04 13 19:50 Plots P. Condor General normal ISR
#762 04 13 23:02 Problem with transmitter R. Flores General normal ISR
#763 04 13 23:59 Plots R. Flores General normal ISR
#764 04 14 00:00 Transmitter to high power R. Flores General normal ISR
#765 04 14 07:30 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#766 04 14 07:35 Spark gap adjustments J. Lavado Spark gaps normal ISR
#767 04 14 07:45 Plots R. Flores General normal ISR
#768 04 14 08:00 Operation Resume R. Flores General normal ISR
#769 04 14 17:47 Plots abelleza Start Experiment normal ISR
#770 04 14 17:30 Spark gaps adjustment abelleza Spark gaps normal ISR
#771 04 14 18:00 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#772 04 14 18:00 Operation Resume abelleza General normal ISR
#773 04 10 18:00 End Of Experiment abelleza End Experiment normal ISR
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