Custom Query (1891 matches)


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Results (701 - 800 of 1891)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#702 04 01 18:02 Imaging On new J. Rojas General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#703 04 01 18:37 Spark gap adjustment new J. Lavado Spark gaps normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#704 04 01 19:30 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#705 04 01 17:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#706 04 01 20:00 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#707 04 01 23:59 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#708 04 02 06:02 Imaging Off new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#709 04 02 07:08 Spark gap adjustment new A. Huamaní Spark gaps normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#710 04 02 07:20 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#711 04 02 07:45 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#712 04 02 08:00 Operation Resume new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#713 04 02 18:15 Imaging is ON new P. Condor Acquisition system normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#714 04 02 18:28 Noise levels new P. Condor General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#715 04 02 19:30 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark gaps normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#716 04 02 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#717 04 02 19:50 Plots new P. Condor General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#718 04 02 20:00 Operacion Resume new P. Condor General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#719 04 02 23:59 Plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#720 04 03 07:10 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#721 04 03 05:30 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark gaps normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#722 04 03 06:00 imaging off new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#723 04 03 07:20 Plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#724 04 03 08:00 Operacion Resume new J. Suclupe General normal
#725 04 03 19:10 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#726 04 03 18:33 Imaging ON new abelleza General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#727 04 03 18:33 Imaging Is ON new abelleza General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#728 04 03 18:33 Spark gap adjustments new abelleza Spark gaps normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#729 04 03 19:45 Plots new abelleza General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#730 04 03 19:46 Operation Resume new abelleza General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#731 04 03 23:59 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#732 04 04 07:04 Spark gap adjustment new W. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#733 04 04 07:30 Transmitter report new ryaya Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#734 04 04 07:45 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#735 04 04 08:00 Operation Resume new R. Flores General normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#736 04 04 08:00 End of ISCOD Experiment new R. Flores End Experiment normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#737 04 07 15:00 Antenna measurements new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_04 ICON
#738 04 11 08:10 Start of the experiment new I. Manay Start Experiment normal 2022_04 ICON
#739 04 11 18:30 Spark gap adjustments new J. Lavado Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#740 11 04 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#741 04 11 18:50 Plots new I. Manay General normal 2022_04 ICON
#742 04 11 19:50 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2022_04 ICON
#743 04 11 23:59 Plots new abelleza General normal 2022_04 ICON
#744 12 04 07:25 Transmitter report new ryaya Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#745 04 12 06:59 Spark gap adjustments new abelleza Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#746 04 12 07:45 Plots new abelleza General normal 2022_04 ICON
#747 04 12 07:50 Operation Resume new abelleza General normal 2022_04 ICON
#748 12 04 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#749 04 12 19:30 Spark gap adjustments assigned kkuyeng Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#750 04 12 19:30 Plots assigned kkuyeng General normal 2022_04 ICON
#751 04 12 23:59 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_04 ICON
#752 13 04 07:20 Transmitter report new ryaya Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#753 04 13 07:25 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_04 ICON
#754 04 13 07:30 Spark gap adjustments new W. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#755 04 13 07:50 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal
#756 04 12 19:30 Operation Resume new kkuyeng General normal 2022_04 ICON
#757 04 13 18:25 Noise levels new P. Condor General normal 2022_04 ICON
#758 04 13 18:05 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamani Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#759 04 13 19:15 Transmitter Report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#760 04 13 20:00 Operation Resume new P. Condor General normal 2022_04 ICON
#761 04 13 19:50 Plots new P. Condor General normal 2022_04 ICON
#762 04 13 23:02 Problem with transmitter new R. Flores General normal 2022_04 ICON
#763 04 13 23:59 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_04 ICON
#764 04 14 00:00 Transmitter to high power new R. Flores General normal 2022_04 ICON
#765 04 14 07:30 Transmitter Report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#766 04 14 07:35 Spark gap adjustments new J. Lavado Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#767 04 14 07:45 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_04 ICON
#768 04 14 08:00 Operation Resume new R. Flores General normal 2022_04 ICON
#769 04 14 17:47 Plots new abelleza Start Experiment normal 2022_04 ICON
#770 04 14 17:30 Spark gaps adjustment new abelleza Spark gaps normal 2022_04 ICON
#771 04 14 18:00 Transmitter Report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_04 ICON
#772 04 14 18:00 Operation Resume new abelleza General normal 2022_04 ICON
#773 04 10 18:00 End Of Experiment new abelleza End Experiment normal 2022_04 ICON
#774 06 15 12:00 Antenna measurements new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#775 06 21 09:10 Experiment started new I. Manay Start Experiment normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#776 06 21 13:40 Drop at C channel of EW_Drifts experiment new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#777 06 21 16:00 Checking of Oblique array new I. Manay Antenna normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#778 06 21 17:20 Drop at C channel of EW_Drifts experiment new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#779 06 21 19:00 Plots new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#780 06 21 19:21 Spark gap adjustments new J. Lavado Antenna normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#781 06 21 19:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#782 06 21 19:50 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#783 06 21 23:59 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#784 06 22 07:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#785 06 22 07:50 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#786 06 22 08:00 Spark gap adjustments new W. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#787 06 22 08:00 Operation Resume new R. Flores General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#788 06 22 15:55 Reception fail at A channel of EW_Drifts experiment new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#789 06 22 18:00 Spark gap adjustments new J. Lavado Spark gaps normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#790 06 22 19:00 Plots new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#791 06 22 19:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#792 06 22 19:50 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#793 06 22 23:59 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#794 06 23 06:50 Spark gaps adjustments new W. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#795 06 23 07:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#796 06 23 07:50 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#797 06 23 07:50 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#798 06 23 19:00 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamani Spark gaps normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#799 06 23 19:10 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#800 06 23 19:10 Noise levels new P. Condor General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
#801 06 23 19:50 Plots new P. Condor General normal 2022_06 ISCOD (EWDrift+Oblique+150km)
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