Custom Query (37 matches)


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Status: new (37 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1857 09 30 12:00 Antenna VSWR measurements W. Rojas Antenna normal ISR
#1858 10 01 18:00 Spark gaps adjustment A. Huamani Spark gaps normal ISR
#1859 10 01 14:09 Change Rf's in Transmitter P. Condor General normal ISR
#1860 10 01 15:06 Change of hybrid in channels C and D P. Condor General normal ISR
#1861 10 01 15:30 Restart experiment P. Condor General normal ISR
#1862 10 01 15:50 Change of hybrid in channels C and D P. Condor General normal ISR
#1863 10 01 16:10 Problem with transmitter P. Condor Transmitter normal ISR
#1864 10 01 17:49 Change of channels E y F P. Condor Acquisition system normal ISR
#1865 10 01 19:17 Transmitter report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1866 10 01 18:48 Noise levels P. Condor General normal ISR
#1867 10 01 20:05 Plots P. Condor General normal ISR
#1868 10 01 20:00 Operation Resume P. Condor General normal ISR
#1869 10 01 23:58 Plots M. DeLaCruz General normal ISR
#1870 10 02 07:00 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1872 10 02 08:00 Operation Resumen M. DeLaCruz General normal ISR
#1873 10 02 08:00 Plots M. DeLaCruz General normal ISR
#1874 10 02 13:18 Acquisition was restarted I. Manay Acquisition system normal ISR
#1875 10 02 19:00 Plots I. Manay General normal ISR
#1876 10 02 19:00 Spark gaps adjustment W. Rojas Spark gaps normal ISR
#1877 10 02 19:00 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1878 10 02 19:50 Operation Resume I. Manay General normal ISR
#1879 10 02 23:59 Plots abelleza General normal ISR
#1880 10 03 07:25 Spark gap adjustments abelleza Spark gaps normal ISR
#1881 10 03 07:00 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1882 10 03 07:35 Plots abelleza General normal ISR
#1883 10 03 08:00 Operation Resumen abelleza General normal ISR
#1884 10 03 19:29 Plots J. Rojas General normal ISR
#1885 10 03 19:30 Transmitter report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1886 10 03 19:30 Transmitter report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1887 10 03 17:35 Spark gap adjustments W. Rojas Spark gaps normal ISR
#1888 10 03 20:00 Operation Resume J. Rojas General normal ISR
#1889 10 03 23:58 Plots K. Rodriguez General normal ISR
#1890 10 04 07:00 Spark gaps adjustments A. Huamani Spark gaps normal ISR
#1891 10 04 07:45 Transmitter Report somebody Transmitter normal ISR
#1892 10 04 07:50 Plots K. Rodriguez General normal ISR
#1893 10 04 08:00 Operation Resume K. Rodriguez General normal ISR
#1894 10 04 08:05 End Experiment K. Rodriguez End Experiment normal ISR
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