Custom Query (1342 matches)


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Results (401 - 500 of 1342)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#566 11 05 07:00 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Coronado Spark gaps normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#567 11 05 07:20Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#568 11 05 07:20 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#569 11 05 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#570 11 05 11:35 restart experiment new kkuyeng Acquisition system normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#571 11 05 16:45 Spark gaps adjustment new kkuyeng Spark gaps normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#572 11 05 17:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#573 11 05 17:35 Plots new somebody General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#574 11 05 17:40 Operation Resume new kkuyeng General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#575 11 09 08:30 Start of MST experiment new I. Manay Start Experiment normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#576 11 09 16:30 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamani Spark gaps normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#577 11 09 16:50 Plots new I. Manay General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#578 11 09 17:10 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#579 11 09 17:10 End of MST experiment new I. Manay End Experiment normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#580 11 09 17:10 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2021_11 MRI Drifts + MST
#581 01 17 15:00 Antenna measurements new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#582 01 18 07:10 Experiment started new I. Manay Start Experiment normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#583 01 18 19:00 plots new I. Manay General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#584 01 18 19:26 Spark gap adjustments new J. Lavado Spark gaps normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#585 01 18 19:50 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#587 01 18 23:59 plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#588 01 19 07:30 plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#589 01 19 07:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#590 01 19 08:00 Spark gap adjustments new A. Coronado Spark gaps normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#591 01 19 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#592 01 19 18:30 Noise levels new P. Condor General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#593 01 19 18:00 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamani Spark gaps normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#594 01 19 19:40 Plots new somebody General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#595 01 19 19:35 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#596 01 19 20:00 Operation Resume new P. Condor General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#597 01 19 23:59 plots new somebody General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#598 01 20 06:30 Spark gap adjustments new A. Coronado Spark gaps normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#599 01 20 07:20 plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#600 01 20 07:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#601 01 20 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#602 01 21 06:00 Experiment Started new somebody Start Experiment normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#603 01 21 06:20 Stop experiment because of incident new somebody End Experiment normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#604 01 21 14:20 Receiver tests new somebody General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#605 01 22 06:25 Experiment Started new somebody Start Experiment normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#606 01 22 15:00 Plots new somebody General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#607 01 22 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#608 01 22 19:00 Spark gaps adjustment new somebody Spark gaps normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#609 01 22 19:30 Plots new somebody General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#610 01 22 19:45 Operation Resume new somebody General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#611 01 22 23:59 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#612 01 23 07:35 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#613 01 23 07:30 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamaní Spark gaps normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#614 01 23 07:45 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#615 01 23 08:00 Operation Resume new R. Flores General normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#616 01 23 08:00 End of Valley8 Experiment new R. Flores End Experiment normal 2022_01 Valley (9 y 8)
#617 01 24 17:00 Antenna measurements new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#618 01 25 17:11 Experiment started new I. Manay Start Experiment normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#619 01 25 19:35 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#620 01 25 19:24 Spark gap adjustments new J. Lavado Spark gaps normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#621 01 25 19:50 Operation Resume new I. Manay General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#622 01 25 23:59 Plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#623 01 26 07:27 Spark gap adjustments new W. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#624 01 26 07:30 Plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#625 01 26 07:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#626 01 26 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#627 01 26 23:59 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#628 01 27 06:03 Spark gap adjustments new W. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#629 01 27 07:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#630 01 27 07:45 Plots new R. Flores General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#631 01 27 08:00 Operation Resume new R. Flores General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#632 01 28 07:45 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#633 01 27 23:59 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#634 01 28 06:30 Spark gap adjustments new A. Coronado Spark gaps normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#635 01 28 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#636 01 28 07:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_01 New_HAE
#637 02 10 14:00 VSWR antennas new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#638 02 12 11:00 Experiment started new I. Manay Start Experiment normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#639 02 14 08:00 Plots new I. Manay General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#640 02 14 08:30 Experiment manual new I. Manay General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#641 02 14 08:30 Experiment manual new I. Manay General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#642 02 15 15:00 Plots new I. Manay General normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#643 02 15 17:00 VSWR antennas new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_02 SOLAR Rx
#645 03 07 19:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#654 03 08 19:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#655 03 08 19:30 Spark gap adjustments new K.Kuyeng Spark gaps normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#656 03 08 20:00 Plots new K.Kuyeng General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#657 03 08 20:00 Operation Resume new K.Kuyeng General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#658 03 08 23:59 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#660 03 09 07:30 Plots new J. Rojas General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#661 03 09 07:30 Spark gap adjustments new J. Rojas Spark gaps normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#662 03 09 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Rojas General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#663 03 09 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#668 03 10 07:05 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#669 03 09 23:59 Plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#670 03 10 07:20 Plots new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#671 03 10 08:00 Operation Resume new J. Suclupe General normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#672 03 10 05:30 Spark gaps adjustment new A. Huamaní Spark gaps normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#674 03 29 17:00 Antenna VSWR measuements new somebody Antenna normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#691 03 31 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#705 04 01 17:30 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#710 04 02 07:20 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#716 04 02 19:00 Transmitter Report new vquesada Transmitter normal 2022_03 MLT-X
#720 04 03 07:10 Transmitter report new somebody Transmitter normal 2022_03 ISCOD
#724 04 03 08:00 Operacion Resume new J. Suclupe General normal
#737 04 07 15:00 Antenna measurements new W. Rojas Antenna normal 2022_04 ICON
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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