Opened 5 years ago

#753 new Start Experiment

01 04 12:00 Experiment restarted

Reported by: imanay Owned by: I. Manay
Priority: normal Milestone: 2019_01 ISR+Imaging (SSW)
Component: ISR+Imaging Version:
Keywords: Cc:



-Connections changes due to water leak in one of the transmitters(3). Two of three experiments were re-established: EW_Drifts & Imaging.
-Experiments continue with a 2 PPS synchronization.


-Pulse sequence starts with 44 ntxs for Imaging plus 256 ntxs for EW_Drifts.
-Imaging acquisition change to 44 profiles instead of 168 and EW_Drifts acquisition remains at 300 profiles(Both every 2 PPS).
-Number of channel change to 4 instead of 6: Only Drifts and without Faraday.

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